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Embracing Your Healing Journey: A Guide to Cleansing With Compassion

Healing is not a linear process. It ebbs and flows, just like the ocean and the cycle of the seasons. Cleansing your energy is a profound act of self-compassion and healing. 

Here is a guide to embracing your healing journey and cleansing with compassion. 

Avoid Self-Sabotage

When we are working through situations in our lives that require great effort, we might fall into old habits and patterns that no longer serve us. This can show up in how we behave. For instance, you might call up an old flame when you’re feeling alone or seeking validation

You might turn to the bottle when faced with a difficult conversation or a rough day at work. Perhaps you engage in thrill-seeking yet dangerous behavior. 

Whatever your vice, if it’s hurting you, it’s moving you further away from cleaning out the negative and cleansing your energy. 

While it’s hard to change, the best course is to completely avoid any self-sabotaging behaviors you’ve turned to in the past during tumultuous times. 

But it’s also important that you steer clear of falling into the trap of guilt or feeling guilty for wrongs you’ve done or mistakes you made. What’s done is done. No amount of guilt will change anything, but it keeps you from moving forward.

It's okay to make changes in your life. Some people you view favorably may not understand your spiritual journey. They might try to entice you to fall back into old habits or may no longer want to be around you. Remember that this is your journey, and you are allowed to make changes that serve you — even if it means removing some people from your life.

Take time to reflect on what triggers you and devise a plan to prevent yourself from falling back into old patterns.

Stay Committed 

Healing takes time, and it's important to stay committed to the journey. Even if you slip up or take a wrong turn, you can get back on track. 

Every action we take and every response we have in life is driven by our intentions. It's important to set clear and focused intentions that align with our deepest desires and aspirations, — it creates a ripple effect in our consciousness.

Try not to get discouraged if you don't see immediate results, but remember that every small step counts. Keep your end goal in mind and take it one day at a time.

When working on your cleansing yourself in your healing journey, think about Sankalpa. It refers to a heartfelt intention or positive affirmation that we set for ourselves. Sankalpa is a powerful tool for manifestation, transformation, and personal growth. 


Setting a Sankalpa allows us to focus on what we truly want in life, and it provides us with a roadmap for achieving our goals. By setting an intention, we essentially tell ourselves and the universe what we want to achieve. This focused intention creates a powerful vibration that helps us attract what we desire into our lives.

Embrace Self Care

Self-care is an integral part of the healing journey. It means putting your needs first, but not in such a way that it’s at the expense of another person.

Here are some areas to focus on:

Physical Self Care

Your body is your home. It’s where your soul resides. Your hands create, your legs take you on journeys, and you can you incredible things when you take care of it.

This can include eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, getting enough sleep, and staying hydrated.

Emotional Self Care

Emotional self-care involves allowing yourself to feel and process emotions. It's important to practice self-compassion during the cleansing process.

Our emotional well-being is just as important as our physical health. Take time to reflect on your emotions — don’t be afraid to truly feel them. 


Your friends, lovers, boss, and acquaintances are not mind readers. Part of cleansing your energy involves leaving behind miscommunication, misunderstanding, and any residual negative feelings. 

Reimagine your relationships. Reset your karmic contracts and lead with love. Lead with empathy, and reject rigid force. When you communicate with flow and are open to another's perspective, you connect more freely. 

Be sure to let go of the victim mindset if this is something you struggle with. It’s difficult to communicate authentically if you’re under the impression you are being attacked.

Anticipate Challenges 

Anticipating challenges gives you power over them. Nothing comes easy, and when you are prepared to face obstacles, you’ll be more equipped to handle them.

Challenges are always an opportunity for growth.

Clear The Clutter

Cleansing starts from within and moves outward. Clear the clutter in your life to create space for healing.

Clearing out the clutter in our lives can help us feel more balanced and centered. 

Here are some areas to focus on:

Mind Clutter

Our minds tend to get cluttered with negative thoughts and beliefs. Take time to reflect on these thoughts and find ways to reframe them.

Release everything going on in your mind. 

Journal your thoughts, go for a walk, or confide in a friend or spiritual guide.

Physical Clutter

Your physical environment may have more of a grip on your peace of mind than you might expect.

Take stock of what is cluttering your space. Remove objects that don't serve you and organize your space. Cleaning up your desk or organizing your altar can be a powerful act of self-care.

Spiritual Clutter

Spiritual clutter can include outdated beliefs or negative energy. Take time to reflect on your spiritual beliefs and make any necessary changes.

Meditation is a powerful tool to clear your mind and channel Goddess energy. When you harness the divine feminine, when you channel Goddess energy, you stop giving confusing messages to the universe and express your true desires. 

You cleanse your energy and reset your spiritual map.

At Leela, we offer our Conscious Meditation program designed to hone in on your intention and deepen your spiritual practice. 

If you struggle with meditation or spiritual clutter, we encourage you to reach out.

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