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How to Ground Yourself

Finding your center with a spiraling mind

Do you find yourself troubled with the habit of miscommunication or simply unable to communicate effectively? Perhaps you’ve been feeling overly emotional lately and are struggling to arrange your thoughts without an emotional bias. 

Having the ability to ground yourself is a superpower. It also grants you freedom from succumbing to overwhelming emotions and instead focus on what’s actually within your control. Tapping into this ability will change your life, improve your relationships, and help you regain power over challenges you face.

First things first — breathe

We often need to ground ourselves when big emotions hit. 

These can range from anger, jealousy, or confusion and sometimes we might not totally know where it’s coming from. The first step in finding your center is to simply slow down and breathe. 

Take a moment to think only about breathing — in and out. Once you’ve done this, you’ll start to uncover the nuances that led you to feel these emotions and figure out if your initial response is appropriate, or even accurate. 

Do a quick body scan

Once you’ve settled into breathing, do a quick body scan. Do you feel any tension or pressure in your body? Do you feel any energy blockages that are speaking to you? 

A body scan reveals where you are holding tension or negative energy within your body. Identify it and try to let it go.

Take a seat

Sometimes, all it takes to ground yourself is finding a comfortable seat. Whether it's a cushion on the floor, a park bench, or your favorite chair, taking a moment to sit down and be present can do wonders for your sense of grounding. 

Feel the support beneath you. Allow yourself to be fully present in the moment, let go of worries and distractions, and continue to breath. 

Go for a walk

Sometimes sitting still does the opposite effect if you’ve got a spiraling mind. Taking a walk or getting out in nature can provide an avenue for you to work out your thoughts on the move. 

Whether it's a nearby park, a quiet trail, or even just around your neighborhood, getting outside can help you reconnect with the environment around you and find your center.

Listen to the world around you

Grounding yourself also involves tuning into the external world. Take a moment to listen to the sounds around you — birds gossiping in the trees, wind rustling leaves, or the gentle hum of everyday life. By being mindful of these sounds, you bring yourself into the present moment and out of your thoughts. 

Reflect on what you have control over

We have very little control over what other people do. 

Feeling ungrounded often stems from a sense of powerlessness over our circumstances. Take time to reflect on the things within your control and let go of the rest. Acknowledge that your actions influence your life. Doing so frees yourself from unnecessary worry and reminds yourself that how you react to situations also helps shape how they play out. 

Take a mental note of how you behaved when big emotions hit — did your reaction cause a situation to snowball? Grounding yourself also means taking accountability in your actions and learning from mistakes. Reflection gives you the foresight to avoid repeating them. 

Try incorporating more meditation in your life

Meditation is a powerful tool for grounding and finding your center. Whether it's a short mindfulness practice or a more extended meditation session, incorporating this practice into your daily routine can lead to profound benefits. Meditation helps quiet the mind, reduce anxiety, and enhance your overall sense of well-being.

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