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Lalita Tripura Sundari: Goddess of Beauty, Abundance, and Love

As seekers on a spiritual path, we often struggle to balance material abundance with spiritual fulfillment. This is where Goddess Lalita Tripura Sundari comes in, as the embodiment of both. Through the study and practice of her yantra and teachings, seekers can attain financial freedom, conscious abundance, and spiritual awakening.

While her work may be the conclusion of everything in Tantra, it is also the beginning of a new chapter in our spiritual journey.

The Goddess of Conscious Abundance

One of the 10 prime goddesses, Lalita Tripura Sundari is the Goddess of beauty, abundance, and love. She is the tantric version of Goddess Lakshmi. 

As the most beautiful and adored goddess among all three dimensions — physical, the awareness within, and cosmic collective consciousness, her name reflects this effortless beauty.

Goddess Sundari represents the path that many seekers aspire to be on, as she is also considered the goddess of force. She is popular among a certain kind of seekers who are interested in not only spiritual growth but material and conscious abundance.

What Kind of Seeker Should Follow Tripura Sundari? 

Tripura Sundari is the goddess that is at the peak of tantra work. 

Some seekers want to renounce everything and go into meditation. There are seekers who struggle to accept an intense spiritual path because they don’t have a healthy relationship with money, relationships, or the desires and attractions of the material world. They feel unfulfilled and can’t seem to find their peace. 

Tripura Sundari takes the seeker toward the balance of financial freedom, conscious abundance, and spiritual fulfillment. 

Any seeker who aspires to be, experience, and live at the peak of their spiritual enlightenment or awakening should study her work.

Goddess Sundari + Yantra

Tantra is composed of three aspects. The first aspect is mantra, the second is meditation, and the third is yantra. Yantras can be represented by sacred geometry, like a mandala. 

Many teachers say you don’t need to have anything in your alter if you only have a Yantra — that is an alter in itself. There are rituals and practices that one does to keep activating yantra. 

Every yantra is unique, and every goddess has a yantra tied to her. Yantra is considered the energy reservoir of that particular goddess. 

Goddess Tripura Sundari is tied to Shri Yantra. It’s the most wholesome and highest energy yantra that comprises hundreds of thousands of mantras. It’s the yantra that brings the energy of material abundance and spiritual awakening.

Yantra is also the highest commitment. It takes more than a month to activate a Yantra for a seeker, and it takes years for a teacher to become an expert in Yantra work. Once you attain Yantra — it becomes a new chapter of your spiritual study and growth. 

Channeling Goddess Tripura Sundari

In the tantra traditions and the study of tantra, her work truly is the conclusion of everything because while giving you material success, and conscious abundance, she opens the gate to ultimate awakening. Not only do you experience the pleasures, and the success of this material world, but eventually, you arrive at that ultimate spiritual peak. 

To go deeper into this work it’s recommended that you work with a spiritual guide. We invite you to join the next cohort of our Goddess Rising program if you’re interested in diving deeper.

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