Self-Realization Through Silence - A Tantra Perspective

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In present time silence is often associated with the idea of suppression, weakness, or some sort of bypassing of important emotions. However, silence has always played an important role in the tantra traditions and in the different paths of meditation. Silence here does not mean suppression or bypassing something. Instead, it is a really powerful bridge and pathway toward experiencing, obtaining, and cultivating self-realization.

In this episode, Chandresh shares a lot of simple and deep teachings on silence. Through tantra, we can see that something as simple as silence is taught in the twelve steps of silence and the ancient wisdom traditions because although it looks simple, there is a science behind the silence. If you learn this the right way, it can open up some extremely powerful doors toward your healing and self-realization. We hope this episode resonates with you and helps you.

Have any questions or curiosities about your spiritual journey? Email Chandresh at

Chandresh Bhardwaj

Chandresh Bhardwaj is a seventh-generation tantra teacher, spiritual advisor, and speaker. Based in Los Angeles and New York, Chandresh is the author of the book Break the Norms written with the intention to awaken human awareness from its conditioned self. His mission is to demystify tantra and make it an accessible and easy-to-understand and practically applicable spiritual practice.

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