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24. Don't judge your desires

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24. Don't judge your desires Chandresh Bhardwaj

Episode Notes /

When was the last time you had a desire?

Maybe a moment ago when you chose to play this episode? Maybe it was a desire to educate yourself, to know more, or it maybe it was a desire to just be in peace. Desires are a very natural aspect of our being. But when we start to judge them, we block the natural growth of our awareness. Many desires arise from our conditioning and they are not even part of our existence. With the help of meditation, we can shift from impulsive desires to living a life conscious desires. In this episode, Chandresh shares some very helpful tips to manifest desires with the help of intention setting and meditation.

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Buy the book: Break the Norms: Questioning Everything You Think You Know About God and Truth, Life and Death, Love and Sex