55. Corona Virus - A Spiritual Interpretation

55. Corona Virus - A Spiritual Interpretation
Chandresh Bhardwaj

Episode Notes /

In this episode, Chandresh shares his spiritual interpretation of the coronavirus pandemic. A few key elements that he shares in this podcast are:

  • What is KaliYuga or Dark age mentioned in the eastern wisdom traditions?

  • What certain women are feeling anxious when asked to stay inside homes during this pandemic?

  • The nature of collective consciousness.

  • Ayurveda solutions to use cinnamon, ginger, turmeric, black pepper, ashwagandha, shatawari, chawanprash, shilajit, and amalaki in daily diet. Also, google on how to boost the immune system in ayurveda.

  • Yogic breathing exercise, aka, pranayamas - Anulom Vilom and kapal bhati.

  • Daily meditation on the root chakra.

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Useful links:


56. Powerful Healing Meditation on Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra


54. What do I want? - Guided Meditation