Ask Me Anything - AMA on Anger, Psychic Work, Self-doubt, and More

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In this episode, Chandresh is answering your questions. These questions have been sent through Instagram and email. If you are interested in sending questions for the next AMA episode, you may send them to

The following questions are answered in this episode:

Meditation and its highs and lows is there a reason we experience such times of intense spiritual growth followed by a void? I’m curious to know what Tantra’s perspective is on psychic abilities and if there is any specific information/teachings about developing your psychic abilities or anything like that. On your podcast, you spoke once about anger as a somewhat explosive or provocative state that can be balanced with compassion. What about the more ‘feminine’ type of anger? I notice that the default of many women in my life is compassion and understanding, and their anger is mobilizing but quiet. I’ve been feeling angry recently, but I don’t think it stems from a lack of compassion and I don’t feel at risk of lashing out at anyone because of it. It’s more like a deep, collective feeling, but still overwhelming. How can one channel that type of anger? Seed mantras how do you choose them for students do they just come to you? How much can we play a role in the well-being of others through things like prayer? This is a pretty big concept in Islam and I wanted to hear your point of view. For example, whenever my mother prays for me, I do think I feel that prayer’s power. Knowing that it’s been difficult for me to find a balance between wanting to influence my loved ones’ well-being, and accepting that everyone is on their own journey. Especially with my younger siblings. Is it normal to have resistance during healing and mediation? It’s not fear, but almost a nervousness and hesitation. For example, when I meditate on Goddess Kali or Krishna, I experience a strong energy. It’s so powerful and incredible…and yet I hesitate to show up for it next time in meditation. How do you hold space for all your students and still manage balance? How do you manage self-doubt?

Chandresh Bhardwaj

Chandresh Bhardwaj is a seventh-generation tantra teacher, spiritual advisor, and speaker. Based in Los Angeles and New York, Chandresh is the author of the book Break the Norms written with the intention to awaken human awareness from its conditioned self. His mission is to demystify tantra and make it an accessible and easy-to-understand and practically applicable spiritual practice.

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