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Chakra Healing - Tantra Meditation

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This week’s episode is a meditation experience derived from tantra teachings. It is focused on particular chakras for self-healing and releasing any blockages in those chakras. This meditation is one of the advanced meditations.

If you are feeling the need to go deeper and invite the courage to decode your truth and cultivate your self-healing, this meditation will be helpful. We recommend that before you sit for this meditation, keep your stomach light, light a candle, and sit somewhere where you can be distraction-free during the practice.

After the audio is over, we invite you to sit in solitude for another few minutes.

Have any questions or curiosities about your spiritual journey? Email Chandresh at askcb@leelagurukul.com.

Episode Transcript

Welcome to Leela Gurukul Meditation.

Keep your spine straight, your palms open, take a deep breath and remind yourself in this present moment awareness the entire divinity is available. Don't let the mind jump into the future. Don't let the mind overanalyze the past. Come back to the breathing. Be present, be fully here in this experience and take the next few moments to gently, mindfully breathe at your base.

As you're breathing, invite the freedom. The freedom to play in this moment, the freedom to bloom in this moment, the freedom to feel, the freedom to go deeper. And as you feel ready and comfortable, be aware of the conscious awareness that you are. Be aware of all the beautiful possibilities that your awareness carries with them and take the next few moments to just breathe, play, and keep coming back to the breathing effortlessly.


You don't have to try too hard in this moment to force anything. Whatever happens, accept it in this moment. Drop the fight, drop the struggle to become anything in this moment.


Breathe, be aware of the awareness and gently, mindfully bring the awareness to naval center. The naval center is the home of your healing. It's the home of your creative courage. It's the home of all of that's wild, free, divine in you.

Take the next few moments to just connect with the navel center. Let go of all the ideas of right and wrong and expand your light, your wings around the navel.


As you're expanding this light around the navel, don't control it. The more you control, the more wild it becomes. Just let it be, invite it deeper. We'll begin the conscious breathing in a moment.

Inhale the breath, hold it for a moment, and through the nostrils, exhale. Inhale, hold, and as you're holding, just witness. Witness the calmness, witness the chaos, and exhale. Inhale, hold, and slowly, gently exhale. Inhale, hold, and witness as you're holding, and exhale. Inhale, hold, and witness as you're holding, and exhale.

One more time. Inhale, hold, and invite the freedom, the clarity as you're holding, and exhale. Breath, witness, and continue to breathe in, breathe out at your pace.


Release all the demands, all the effort. Come back to the breathing, come back to the infinite possibilities of your awareness. And slowly, gently go deeper into your solitude. And as you're going deeper, invite the unknown, embrace the mystery, the magic of the unknown.

Drop all the seeking toward the known in this moment and be okay with the insecurity, uncertainty of the unknown, and let this unknown take you out of your comfort zone. Expand, melt, and be in union with that divine consciousness.


And as you're diving into the unknown, plant the seeds of your awakening, the awakening of the divine feminine within you. The awakening of compassion, calmness, courage and all that you need in this moment, in this lifetime.


Breathe, witness all that's unfolding. In the next few moments, we'll dive deeper into the collective consciousness. The seeds of awakening will be planted even deeper. And to make that happen, we'll invite energy of mantra. Receive it and let it take you deeper.

Breathe, witness. Let the body take a backseat and slowly, gently start to open up to receive the mantra. Shivoham Namah. Shivoham Namah. Trust your awareness to fully receive it. Shivoham Namah. Witness the body sitting and receiving the infinite awareness, the infinite healing, and let this mantra cultivate the freedom, the liberation from all that's holding you back. Be it your attachments, your karmic contracts, your doubts, your fears, let it all fade away. Shivoham Namah. Shivoham Namah.


Relax, breathe, and at your pace, let go.

When you feel ready, bring your palms on your eyes and receive the warmth, the healing from your palms going deeper in your body. Shivoham Namah.

And now, you may touch your navel center. Breathe, relax, and take the next few moments to just be. Be in this goddess mood, where you are safe and guided and completely in a space of unconditional love and strength. There is no competition, no comparison in this moment. Be with yourself, be with the aura that you have been cultivating in this meditation.

Meditate for a few minutes after the audio is over and come back to whenever you need to recharge with more strength, courage, and plant the seeds of awakening.

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Instagram: @cbmeditates