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Conscious Pregnancy - A Tantra Perspective

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Conscious pregnancy is a pregnancy that happens through intention, alertness, spiritual methods, and spiritual techniques. In this episode, Chandresh shares the spiritual perspective and tantra guidance to conceive a child. Chandresh also shares how unconscious or unplanned pregnancy could be a gamble. You could invite someone who is simply a remix of your trauma, karmic contracts, and everything that you are. If you consciously conceive, you will be able to invite a high vibe soul who will contribute to not just their healing and blooming, but also to the collective consciousness. This is a sensitive episode and we hope that anyone interested or thinking about conceiving may invite a Buddha consciousness. Please write to us with any questions or reflections you have.

Episode Transcript

Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of lives longing for itself. They come through you, but not from you. Though they are with you, yet they belong not to you. You may give them your love, but not your thoughts for they have their own thoughts. You may house their bodies, but not their souls, for their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams. You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you.

These are words of Kahlil Gibran, a teacher, a poet, a mystic, someone I look up to in times of conflict, in times of confusion. Today, I invite his energy in this conversation, in this experience, in this episode, because this is one episode that I have been reflecting on for a long time. I never thought I would ever talk about this topic. Although I receive inquiries, questions on this particular subject every other week, I never felt qualified to answer this. Or simply because as a man, we don't give birth, we cannot. Then who am I to even talk about conscious pregnancy?

I don't have children. Who am I to tell others how to have children? What's the conscious and unconscious narrative about it? But the number of questions reached to a point that I felt the need to finally create an episode covering the entire tantra perspective about it. My hope is this episode inspires the woman, inspires all those who are willing to do the work to invite a soul with intention, alertness, love, awareness. This episode is dedicated to the unborn potential, the unborn creativity.

I am Chandresh Bhardwaj and this is Leela Gurukul. Namaste everyone. I hope you're feeling safe, grounded, relaxed wherever you are. This episode is going to be sensitive in many ways. You may hear things that might make you uneasy. I may say things that might make me uneasy. But you and I together will sail through this conversation, this discussion, and my true hope is that you feel inspired to look at the process, the journey of conceiving consciously, the journey of inviting a new soul with so much more love and awareness.

Before we dive deeper into this deep, intense discussion, I want to take a moment to also express my gratitude for the Leela Podcast, for how far we have come. I know when we start the episode, you all want to jump straight into the topic, and sometimes I make you pause to announce that I have a new program coming up and I'm inviting you to apply. I'm inviting you to join. The reason I do that, because Leela Program, Leela Podcast has always been sponsor free. It will always be sponsor free as long as you continue to support us.

The only way to support Leela Podcast is through joining the Leela Conscious Meditation Program for now. We are working on creating many more programs in the future, but we are a small team, we are a small group and we are making a very humble initiative to bring tantra out in the world. One of my dear students told me that, "Chandresh. it's a great mission, but with a very bad business model. Because the business model of tantra is very aggressive, very mainstream, very sexualized, and the way you are offering it is completely opposite and there will be many challenges."

I have seen these challenges throughout my life, way before I joined college. I've seen their challenge. This is why I have so much gratitude that you have given this love, support and acceptance to my work, to tantra, to Leela, and it just gives me encouragement to keep going. If you have not observed or noticed, Leela universe is slowly and gently becoming the universe of divine feminine, the Devi consciousness. I feel today might be a good day to share that Leela is going to dive much deeper into the world of divine feminine, the Devi consciousness.

I've had my moments, I have had my self reflections and debated how much I want to share and how much I want to hold back. There have been many reasons, but good thing is after discussion with my guru, my teacher, after hearing constantly from you guys, that this is something you really crave to know more, the divine feminine, that I want to share it with a lot of happiness that Leela will be working harder, smarter with more awareness to bring you the authentic teachings and the divine feminine and, the first step toward that will be the conscious meditation program starting in June.

This cohort will be our most enhanced, most tantric, most focused on the divine feminine. If you are even mildly interested in joining, do explore it on the leelagurukul.com. Be curious, receive the information and apply, because I assure you, if you are longing to experience your highest version of the divine feminine, then we have got a lot of powerful, sacred stuff for you in Leela. Now, let's get into the topic, conscious pregnancy, conscious conceiving.

When you conceive a child, a life force with attention, intention, alertness, affection, awareness, that's what I call conscious conceiving. When it happens accidentally, impulsively through a certain social pressure, mental pressure, through things that are not aware, through things, through reasons that are not filled with love, that's what I would call impulsive pregnancy. The time for conscious pregnancy is coming back. When I say coming back, there have been consistent times in the Eastern traditions when pregnancy was all about consciousness. It was all about nurturing a life force even way before a child comes through its existence.

Many of you may think your role as parents begin after the child is born, but let me assure you, it begins way before a child is even conceived. We are going to go into step by step of this conscious pregnancy work through tantra. So you may want to pause the podcast, get your notebook and pen, and just reflect into all of this magical fascinating stuff. As always, when you hear these lessons, methods, some of them may feel overwhelming and that's okay. You don't have to master everything tonight or next month or next year. So take it easy. Keep it simple.

First question here is why is it even essential or important to conceive a child consciously? Why can't it happen just randomly? It can happen randomly. It has been happening randomly unconsciously. When that happens, you're really playing a lot of gambling there. There are certain situations when a child is conceived, maybe the timing works out to be amazingly great, maybe it's one of those upsurge of energy in the collective conscious and the soul you conceive turns out to be really powerful, really interesting, really creative. But unfortunately, those timings are extremely rare because not only your timing of conceiving has to be during that higher upsurge of energy, but also the choice of that higher vibration soul has to match with your conceiving time.

Let's go to a different space for a moment. How do a soul enters into the womb? How does that happen? So I want to divide this whole concept into three layers. There are souls that are extremely high frequency, maybe the soul of Buddha, right? That's a high vibe soul. Then there are souls which are very low frequency. When I say low frequency, they might be someone who had a very toxic life, very self-destructive life, maybe not educated enough, maybe lot of drug abuse, lot of emotional abuse, and they were just angry, unhappy, you name it, and it has happened to them. So an extremely tragic life.

So that's a low vibe frequency and then we have high vibe frequency such as Buddha, and then there's some middle frequency. The middle ones are those which are kind of spiritual and kind of material. It's a middle lane. They're a mix of everything and everyone. These are the kind of people you meet every day. Maybe these are the kind of people who are listening to the podcast. They constitute the most common, frequently seen part of the population.

Now, when a body dies, according tantric Hindu perspective, they are out there as a vibration, as a consciousness. When two people are trying to conceive a child or just having sexual intercourse, those vibrations, those consciousness energies out there, they are looking for home. So if someone died with a lot of anger, grudge, self abuse, some very toxic traits, automatically they will be attracted to a family, to a couple who are on that vibration as well. Why it would happen? Because that soul wants to come back to finish that unfinished business. It could be anything.

That's why we see a lot of a repetition of the same behavior, same pattern in a family, because you are contributing to it, they are attracted to it, and that's pretty much what happens again and again. The souls who are extremely low vibe and extremely high vibe, they are very interesting. They have something in common. They know whether they want to come back or not. So a Buddha can actually make a conscious choice whether to come back or not. In fact, so much of the work of these high vibe souls, their work is toward not coming back. They don't want to come back to the same drama.

The souls who are on low vibe, they are kind of very clear that they do want to come back because they actually do not have much choice there. They do not have control over that consciousness. So their path is pretty open that the moment someone is trying to conceive or even having sex, so it's very much possible, you could attract that depending upon what's your vibe in that moment, because we don't get what we want. We get what we are. The other high vibe soul, they wouldn't choose to do that, right?

Interesting thing happens with the middle part, the ones who are partially spiritual, partially material. They have done the spiritual work, but they have also been struggling during their human life. So these are the ones who keep struggling to come or not. When you are trying to conceive, you are pretty much dealing with these three layers. If you are listening to this particular episode, my hope is you want to attract a very high vibe soul, because I personally feel, if you wish to have children, if you wish to bring a life here, let's bring a life that could contribute to the collective consciousness that could rise beyond the drama and circus of life. Someone who will not be here to go through the same struggle, the same pain and suffering that you have gone through.

I will mention something about those who already have children, but this is specifically for those who want to conceive, who want to be pregnant at some point. So while you may think the journey starts after a child is born, the most important part of the work actually happens way before a child is born. Imagine you have a seed that you want to plant. So after you take care of the ground, you plant the seed, the plant starts to bloom. It becomes tree. So the moment seed is planted and the plant starts to come out of the soil, there's only little bit you can do with it, right? There's only so much you can do with it and that's pretty much what starts to happen.

If you play your cards right, you can manifest and invite a soul who will not only change their life or your life, but they will contribute to the collective consciousness of this society. How do you do that? How does that happen? It happens with one question, why. Always start with why. Why do you wish to conceive a child? Why do you wish to have children? I'm not sure if you have asked this question to yourself, or you have discussed it among your partner or family.

Based on my experience, the people I know who have children, who had children in the past five years, let's say, they are in their twenties, thirties, late thirties. When I ask them, "Why did you have children?" They laugh because they actually think I'm joking. But it's a genuine question. Why did you have children? I see many of these parents very frustrated, angry sometimes, and I can see their anger also goes toward the children and those children are just so innocent. They're just born. You should not be angry at them because you are the one who created the whole environment to invite them in here.

So when you invite a guest, please do not impose your anger, your frustration on them. If you are really that concerned, you should do the work before all of this happens. So those who are still thinking, still wondering, still interested, start with why. I know many cultures force, pressurize or even threaten women to have babies, to have children. They believe a woman is nothing more than a baby making machine. When a woman also starts to believe that this is her only purpose, you are set out for many disasters in society, in world, in the collective consciousness.

You have to know why. You have to define your why. Why having a child is important to you. Why do you think you are ready now? Is having a child going to solve a problem that you're struggling with? Is there any social pressure? Think about these questions, go deeper into these questions, meditate on them. Because here's the thing, a mother's role is extremely significant in conceiving a child. Of course, we all know biologically, she's the one who will be nurturing the whole life energy, but spiritually, she's going to contribute to the entire healing, to the entire chakra system, to everything in that life force, and I might use life force, child, baby. I might interchange these terms, okay?

A father's role is very interesting according to tantra. Father's role is more of a role of a social institution. A father's role is very much in shaping up the child in society. But the foundation comes from the mother. The way medical science is moving, slowly, gently father's roles are being replaced by medicines, injections, and that's a different topic altogether. But let me tell you one thing, if the mother is dealing with traumas, pains, anger, then it is going to come to the children too. It's the recycling of that energy.

A mother is transferring all those files from her system to this newborn, her stress, her affair will move to that child. But having said that, don't worry that if you can't resolve a trauma in your life, then you should never have children. That's not how it works. When you have the willpower to do the work, that willpower in itself is a major step up. That willpower will also give the willpower to your child to actually do the work. When you move in with the right intention, things start to change.

Because I feel you also underestimate your strength. You underestimate how powerful you are as a woman. So even when you start to do little bit of work every single day toward it, you start to change entire lineage, entire chain in your journey. Now, there's a question about hormonal birth control. What's the tantric perspective on that? The tantric perspective has to be natural, right? Tantra will not tell you or any spiritual science will not tell you to practice anything that's not natural. Now, I'm not telling you that you should not be having control on the birth, and I'll come to that, how to actually solve this problem. Because now we are dealing with a lot of stuff out there.

So you got to build a relationship with your intimacy first. You got to build a relationship with your sexual energy. Once that relationship develops, everything else starts to change. The hormonal birth control or other birth control pills, they have their space and time, but you have to find the most natural, most harmless way to exercise this option. If I simply quote tantra, tantra will say, "You should be indulging in sexual intercourse only when you are ready to have children. At all other times, indulge in play, at all other times indulge in intimacy. But you move into that part of the sexual intercourse only when you are ready to have children."

Now, this could take the podcast into a completely different direction. So for the sake of simplicity and solving one problem in this episode, let's stick to the topic of just the conscious conceiving. If your relationship with the intimacy is mindful, conscious, aware, you'll be creating revolutions with your partner. How does this work? First, a woman herself has to understand her sensuality. She has to understand her playfulness. Once that starts to build, then she could practice meditations with a partner. She could practice silence with her partner.

The couple should be practicing mantras, meditations, playfulness techniques, where they're simply playing, because what most people call sex is actually just an act of masturbation and that does not translate to conscious conceiving or even passion. That's not even lust. It's just a release of a certain sexual tension. But if you could rewire and rewrite your relationship with sexual energy and intimacy, you'll realize there is so much more sacredness, there's so much more intimacy between two people. Imagine your bedroom almost feeling like a temple. It's pure. It's sacred. It's so clean. The fragrance is so beautiful.

When you connect with someone in that space, lust fades away and passion walks in, pure love walks in. When there's no rush to release any sexual tension, then you're simply exploring each other's breath. If you continue to move into this intimate practice, there will be a time that you indulge in sexual intercourse and the soul who will be attracted to this kind of love making has to be a special soul, has to be a very high vibrational soul. To go deeper into this, think of the high upsurge energy movements in the universe, astrologically speaking, there are plenty of moments and times in a year when the energy is high.

You have heard me speaking about Navratri. You've heard me speaking about certain tantric days where energy is very powerful. When the energy is high, very, very powerful, very highly sacred, that's a beautiful time to indulge. But unfortunately, most people actually have sex when they're stressed out because releasing stress feels good through sex. But if you shift that pattern, if you shift that perspective and you indulge in the sexual act when you're feeling spiritual, when you're feeling mindful, aware, you will start to interact with different dimensions. Then you'll notice, you don't need to depend on any sort of unnatural hormonal control stuff. You won't even have to try too hard to conceive.

We are going through times of such intense anxiety, stress and pressure that even to conceive a child, there is too much of try, too much of pressure. I believe if you have to try too hard for something so beautiful, so natural, there must be something not going right. Take a step back. When I speak to these women who have been trying too hard to conceive, I notice they are just exhausted. They're angry, they're disappointed. They're made to feel ashamed of themselves. They're made to feel that they're not woman enough, they're not sacred enough because they can conceive a child. Do you think if this is the information you are receiving, you can conceive a high vibe soul? You cannot. That won't happen.

So it all starts way before a child is born. You have to completely rewire your relationship with yourself. Understand your intimacy, understand the language of universe, understand when it's the high vibe out there. I worked with plenty of people in this situation, and writing down intentional, descriptive energy of your future child works powerfully well. Two people meditating together consistently works amazingly well. It's not that complicated as it sounds. It's actually very simple, very playful. That's the problem, because we want a shortcut. We want a quick fix.

If you give yourself few months to rewrite your entire relationship with your awareness, your sexual energy, you are going to see significant changes. Once the initial foundation is built, then you go deeper using the right mantra, right intentions, indulging in the act of sex very differently and indulging in it consciously, not impulsively, not every other day, not through a schedule, but through an act of playfulness. That's when things start to change. Then I assure you, your ishta shakti, willpower, your willpower is going to invite a soul who has enough strength of their own to rewrite their destiny, too.

Even if you've had a consistent series of trauma, unhappy relationships, abusive relationships. But if you start to do this work, and then you conceive a child, you're going to conceive a brave warrior who is not going to simply take on your trauma. They'll have enough karmic energy to rewrite in their karmic contracts, because don't forget, you are building the foundation, okay, foundation. You're not building their entire existence. If the foundation is strong enough, you can fully trust that the child you're inviting will have enough willpower, enough courage, enough clarity.

Don't build the pressure to invite a superhuman who will be born with seven chakras all lit up in the hospital. You are inviting a human who is going to go through all the seasons. However, you're inviting this soul in the most aware and conscious way. So you are pretty much setting the stage for them and then you take the step back. I'm going to take just a few minutes to explain, to share to those who already have children, what do you do? Because you might be thinking, "I already have children. So did I mess up? How can I fix it?"

If your children are under the age of seven, there's huge potential to change things with them. Remember, they'll not do what you say. They'll do what you do. So as you show up with awareness, with love, with compassion, you're going to change a lot of their journey. If they are in between age of seven to 12, there's still some good space, some good potential to work with them, to be their friend. If they're beyond the age of 12, then just be their friend. The fact that they trust their friends more than you, that means something is wrong. So be their spiritual companion, be their buddy, be their friend, understand their pain and release them from your expectations, and just try to understand their world and cooperate with it.

Because to be honest, the more you interfere, the more rebellious they will become. They already are setting up that stage for themselves. So you rather cooperate with their creativity, their potential than interfering with them. I genuinely believe in the power of human consciousness, in the power of your third eye, you can rewire anything you wish to. That's tantra.

For those who are ready to consciously conceive, I'm excited for you. This is going to be a very powerful, sacred journey within yourself. May you conceive Buddha consciousness. May you conceive a creativity, a potential that will bring light, love, strength to this world. That's all for today. Thank you for listening and do share this podcast on your Instagram if you find it helpful. If you have any questions, do write to me on my Instagram at CBMeditates.

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