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Don't Confuse the Universe: A Guide to Spiritual Clarity

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In the most recent episode of Leela Gurukul, Chandresh gave some valuable insights on avoiding confusing the universe and leading with clarity.

He discussed the concept of the universe in tantra and how it relates to our desires. Chandresh also examined the mental barriers that often prevent us from connecting with a higher source. The episode goes deeper into aspects of karmic contracts, energy levels, and intention power. He offered some practical tips and a guide map for achieving spiritual clarity through the lens of tantra. This is a deep-dive episode on manifestation and inner healing. We hope you enjoy it!

Episode Transcript

Chandresh Bhardwaj: Stop giving confusing messages to the universe. While you may want abundance, you'll get mixed results if all your actions are leading to self-sabotaging your creative ideas. While you may want perfect love and romance, you'll get mixed results if you choose not to meet people often and not to trust new energy. The problem is we often contradict what we want. The mind approaches everything from a deep fear, shame, insecurity, trauma, and so much more in between these layers. Remember, we don't get what we want, we get what we are. It's time you stop confusing the universe. It's time you reset your energetic contracts. It's time you approach life with clarity, playfulness, and curiosity. I am Chandresh Bhardwaj, and this is Leela Gurukul.

Namaste everyone. I hope you are feeling easy, relaxed, and safe wherever you are. Before we get into today's topic, two announcements, two exciting announcements. Number one, the much-awaited conscious meditation program is about to be launched any day this week or next week. For those who are unaware, conscious meditation is a deep dive tantra-based group coaching program where I guide you for 12 weeks. There are advanced meditations, pre-recorded talks, and a weekly live discussion with me among all the students. Check out the show notes. If there's not a link yet posted, there will be a link soon, but it's going to be on leelagurukul.com. And the second announcement is my one-on-one advanced level work, and that's called advanced tantra mastery.

Last week, I announced it or shared it on my Instagram and we booked all the slots. It's the work I've been doing for all these years in the private coaching space. It's first time I'm opening it for public. The link is not out there yet. We are still preparing on the website copy of it and the other details. And the beautiful and the heartwarming thing is every time I talk about it, we book the slots for that entire month. If you are entrusted in diving deep on an intense one-on-one work with me, focused on your freedom, abundance, clarity, and everything that makes you more raw, alive and playful, drop a DM on Instagram or email me directly at cb@leelagurukul.com. Once I get your email, we'll get on a Zoom call. We'll discuss if I'm the right teacher for you, if I can really guide you, if I understand your challenges, and you can of course check all your boxes if this is the right program for you. Remember, this is a minimum six-month commitment, deep dive investment. So if you are not feeling ready for it yet, you can wait. But those who are waiting with curiosity, those who are ready and willing to take the next step, this is for you.

And now, moving on to the topic of this podcast, stop confusing universe. I was thinking to record this episode for a while, but I'm recording it a day before it's supposed to go live. I was thinking how to even approach it, what kind of layers I can unfold in this, what's to miss, what's to keep? I mean, it's such a deep and relatable topic. Each time I talk about stop confusing universe with my clients, we sit on it for weeks and weeks because, I guess, we all confuse universe in our own unconscious way, and it's coming from someone who's probably known in the present moment as someone who guides for clarity, but believe it, I mean, I know you'll believe it, I have been through huge, crazy, chaotic layers of confusion and then, of course, confusing the universe.

One of the things I hear from my school buddies or people who don't know me much from the spiritual realm, and they end up saying one thing very often, "Oh, I like how clear you are," "Oh, I loved how clear you were when you left Wall Street and joined this." But no, I was not clear. I'm still not clear on many things and in whatever area, I'm getting mixed results. Those are the areas I'm subconsciously not clear. But we should not hate the mixed results. We should not get annoyed by them because they are guiding us. They're navigating us to the root cause of why we are still confusing the universe.

I want to share one heartwarming personal story from my journey. Perhaps I shared parts of it a few weeks ago with you, and if I did, I still feel it's essential to start from that particular moment. Two important incidents happened in the last few years. One happened when I was in college when I was extremely clear that I want to leave New York. I want to leave my college and move back to India and move to this city called Leh Ladakh. It's the city of monks. It's the town in the mountains where all the monks meditate. They live there, they have renounced everything and they have settled down there. It was not a random thought, it was not an impulsive thought. It was something I had been sitting, reflecting for days and days, months and months.

I know this particular story I must have shared long time ago. I'm bringing it back because leaving it all and becoming a monk has always been a very interesting background idea in my life. There are many moments when I would think about it. In those days when I shared it with my teacher, he told me, you can go, you can settle down there and I won't stop you, I won't try to change your mind, but do you know why you're moving there? And my why was based on, of course, there were spiritual reflections, but there were also certain emotional moments impacting it.

I left India, left my grandparents all the way back in India, my school friends. So, what I can recall, it was of course a big culture shock, moving from the small town in the Himalayas to be in New York City and then dealing with the loneliness, not being with grandparents who raised me. I spent the most beautiful, the most heartwarming time of my life with them. And of course, New York City is one of the most exceptionally wonderful city, but it's New York. You can't expect the softness of the Himalayas there. So the teenager in me was absolutely missing the softness, of course.

Anyway, in that particular moment when my teacher started encouraging me to reflect on the why, I realized maybe I'm running away. Maybe I'm escaping something. And I'd rather be in the world and not be of it. It would be a powerful spiritual practice to be in a chaotic place like New York and not be dominated by it, not be eaten by it. And that's what I did. Many things have changed since then, but one thing has not changed, and that was my constant yearning and longing to disappear, to go into the woods, to go into the jungle.

So almost three years ago, this is right around the time Leela was launched, Leela school, and we had an extremely successful and beautiful first cohort, and my mind was racing onto starting the second one. Don't ask me why. It was just something very automated that was just running in the mind. And I wasn't getting the right results for it. And by right results, mixed results. Maybe the quantity was coming, quality was not coming. Maybe quality was there, quantity was not there. And that, of course, impacted the other aspects of my work, my mental health. I am a highly sensitive person. I admit it, okay, I accept it. I get too deep into things. When I wrote Break the Norms book, my blood, my tears, my sweat, my heartbeat, everything was invested in it. And I should not have been that emotionally invested, but I was. I guess this is just who I am. If I can, I would like to change it, but right now, it's just who I am. I get extremely deep into what I do.

Now, that particular morning, I was visiting New York. I was sitting, having my morning coffee and my teacher showed up. And my teacher is my father. He shows up there and he said, I know you are feeling a bit upset, sad because you're not getting the right results with your work. And I said, yeah, I mean, it's fine, it's okay. And he said, I know. You already thought about closing Leela. And then I looked at him because I did think about it and he said, you're not shutting it down because you have done that many times in the past. He said, I love that you're not attached. I love that you don't chase, you don't run behind an idea that may or may not be working. And the moment you feel a bit disconnected with it, you close it. He said, you closed many such projects in the past, but Leela is not that project that you will shut down, that deserves to be shut down. Leela is the legacy kind of work. Everything that you have learned in tantra will find its home in Leela. So you better not even think of pausing, shutting or closing it.

Now, I have to give you a bit disclaimer. It was morning time and I was having my coffee. While I can accept and admit any time someone shows up or calls me, I do not respond to it with a lot of kindness at times because if it's not scheduled and a random call shows up on my phone, my mind goes into a hundred different unwanted directions. There are, of course, certain exceptions in life that if their call comes, I'm expecting it, I don't go into a hundred different directions. But if it's any random, unexpected call, I do react that way. But in that moment, he's my teacher, so that's a green flag, that's perfectly fine, but it's morning, I'm having my coffee. I'm at my grumpiest best in that moment. Leave me alone and I'll be in my most spiritual philosophical space, but if you show up and if you show up with this hitting on my ego, hitting on my pain point, oh wow, that's quite a test of my spiritual work. Gurus do that, and my guru is no exception. He loves hitting on the pain points and on the ego spaces, which you are decorating so well.

But that was only the beginning. His first hitting on my ego was you can't shut it down, you don't shut it down. I know you're sad. I know you're feeling confused. And he said, you know what else is happening? I was just looking at him at this point. Not smiling, not even saying, yes, please proceed. I was just looking at him and he said, you keep confusing universe because a part of you wants to renounce everything and move far, far away and be a monk. And when you think of being a monk, you want the nicest hut in the Himalayas with AC, heater, wi-fi. And I was like, yeah, I mean, of course, I want high speed wi-fi. If it's lower speed, if it's a dial-up, I'm not coming back. And he said, you also want good food by it. He said, I know what you want there, but that's exactly where you're confusing universe.

He said, you don't check your bank accounts at all. When you need money, if money is there, you spend it, you're fine. But if you have to pay any business expenses, if there's a big amount showing up and then you open the account and if the money is not there, you start to panic. You start to think or forget about renunciation. I need to bring in this much money for the business. I need to bring this much for that. He said, do you see how this could be so confusing? Because you are also someone who meditates so consistently. You have a strong third eye. So your third eye is getting a very interesting message that this guy wants to be a monk, but he also wants to be here. He wants to expand Leela. He wants to create the most fascinating, beautiful content on Leela podcast. But then he also finds all of this so meaningless, so useless, so irrelevant at times.

And he said, I get where you want to be, where you want to go, and I'm not denying that if you think life, all of this is meaningless social circus, it is. It is a social circus. But how about you play aggressively for next few years in this circus? You don't have to be a clown. You don't have to be a monkey. You could be the manager. How about you show up for this dharma, this purpose, with a deep commitment that I'm not thinking of running away to mountains, I'm not thinking of leaving it all. I won't be hurt by certain human experiences and I'll stay strong because the work you are doing, they need it. There are people, students, seeker who are knocking your door, so you can't run away from them. You owe them this work. And now he was clearly pointing out to something that was a very soft space in my heart. Of course, I would love to renounce and be somewhere else, but when I imagine or see the faces of students, clients, people I've connected, I still connect, I can't move away. I've been teaching at a rehab for 13 years because it's the faces of those clients. It melts my heart. And I had never negotiated any salary or fee there.

But there's a conclusion that happened with it in just last few days, which I'll come to later. But yes, the point is everything I'm doing, the students, the tribe is a huge significant part of it. So the moment my teacher said, you owe it to them, so you can't just disappear into mountains. And he said, I'm not asking you do this for next 30, 40, 50 years, but commit for at least 10 years, at least 15 years, at least for a significant number of years, where you're not confusing the universe. Because once you spent enough time serving only one dharma, only one goal, then the next chapter will evolve organically. Then, you won't be confusing because guess what, you have indulged in the life deeply. And the next step could be a monk. Next step could be being here. Next step could be writing books. Who knows? But right now, stop dividing yourself. And that has changed my life completely.

It didn't happen in that week or that month or even that entire one year, but step by step, organically, I started looking into the layers where I was confusing the universe. So even the fact that I'm sharing advanced tantra mastery and inviting everyone to apply and join, that is a result of me not confusing the universe. This is the work that I grew up learning, that I grew up loving, and I never shared the essence of advanced tantra mastery in public. People would reach out through emails. Ninety-five percent of my clients would always do referrals. I hope I said it right. But yeah, those references would always come, and I never felt the need to share about it on a public platform. But when I share it today, I didn't do it because of some plan or strategy. I shared because so much in the heart, it's suddenly relaxed, not divided, not being here and there. And I'm seeing the results of it for my students too. Because when I'm living that message myself, it's energetically so powerful to share it with them and lead them for it.

Now, I just saw the screen, 20 minutes have gone and haven't even stepped into the other deeper layers of how not to confuse the universe. So I'll move on to that part. When I talk about not confusing the universe, let's take a moment to even understand what do we mean by universe here. Because lately, universe has become the buzzword for anything and everything in the spiritual community. I'm going to pick the Sanskrit word, the Tantric word for universe, which is brahmand. And there's a mantra attached to it. The mantra is "Aham Brahmasmi," which many of you have heard from me many times before. Aham Brahmasmi simply means I am an extension of universe and the universe is an extension of me, which means the collective consciousness is living and breathing through me and I am breathing and living through the essence of that collective consciousness.

So when we talk about universe, we are talking about a certain mystical, unknown, infinite collective consciousness out there and within us. We are talking about awareness, consciousness. And if you ask me how do I really see it, I see it as unknown, the most fascinating, gorgeous, infinite, mystical, unknown. Because the moment I define it, I label it, I know I'm limiting it. But that's me. If you feel a great way, a perfect way to define it for yourself, go for it. The way I see it, there is no separate creator out there. The way I see it, creation is the creator. So that creation exists in my duck, in your dog. That creation exists in the leaves, in the trees, in the breeze. And that creation also exists in my voice and in your breathing right now. And that's where the creator is too.

Universe or godliness or God, it's not some energetic being or a creator who wants to control our life. We are not that important. We don't matter that somebody would want to control their life and there's no battle happening out there. The biggest battle that happens is in our mind. And there's no one out there who's constantly thinking, how do I control you, how do I limit you? You are the one limiting yourself. So universe is not out there to reward you or punish you. Because if you look at universe as some sort of force who wants to reward you, then it will also punish you. Because if someone is rewarding you, if they have the authority to reward you, then they have the authority to take away the reward too.

The way I see it, universe is a neutral infinite force. It's only going to respond to your frequency. It does not analyze your goals, your desires, your fantasies, and then either rewards you for it or manifest it or limit it, it doesn't care. I'll say it as many times as you need to hear it, it doesn't care how big or small your goal is. It doesn't care how immoral or moral your goal is. It doesn't care whether you want to make love to a hundred people out there or none. It doesn't care if you're celibate or overly sexual or asexual. It's only responding to your frequency. You don't get what you want, you get what you are.

Universe is not a substitute for your personal responsibility and action toward life. Never ever dump your challenges on universe. Never ever expect that universe will appear as a hero to save you. It will not appear as a hero because guess what, you are an extension of it. You have all the heroism, all the strength and courage that you'd need to sail through that challenge. You have all the tools, guidance, knowledge, but you're so distracted. You're distracted to please the algorithm on social media apps. You're distracted to feel worthy in the eyes of your father or mother. You're so distracted in creating revenge plan for something that happened seven years ago, and you can get it out of your head. Let go of these distractions, my friend, because you are sitting on a golden treasure. Your potential is so incredible, but you are spending your energy on things that genuinely don't matter. They never did, they never will. And by reflecting on that, you'll stop confusing the universe in its own natural, organic way.

Now, my fellow seekers who love law of attraction, and when they listen to me talk about all of this, they ask me, but isn't that all right to ask universe for what we want? Shouldn't it honor our desires? Because that's just how it is, right? Imagine for a moment, you got all you wanted in the last five years, everything you had hoped, wished, and prayed for in the last 5, 10, 15 years, that manifested. How chaotic, how crazy your life will become. Forget about 15 years, just in the last 30 days, if everything you uttered from your mouth, it's coming true, how crazy would that be? I don't want that because I know many times, when I want something, it's based on so many interesting human factors. Sometimes it's fair, sometimes it's fantasy, sometimes it's just a result of feeling hungry, lonely, angry. Sometimes it's trauma response. And if I keep manifesting what I want, I'll be in a circus, a mess that will never end.

The way I see it, the way I experience this entire mantra is by truly working on your frequency, setting clear, loving intentions, taking actions, and having amazing, incredible fun along the way. I don't read about law of attraction. I'm not against it, but I'm not in favor of it also. I'm just very neutral to it. I don't read a lot of spiritual literature out there, especially the modern because it's only serving the market. If any one of you understands the publishing industry, or the movie industry or just the way how the media works, you'll be heartbroken by knowing that many of the books that we blindly love and chase, they're not telling the truth. They're only serving a certain market. They study the data and they write books to serve and validate that data because the data says a million people want to read about tantra sex, so write some fluffy 12 chapters on it because they'll sell. That's just how many, many, many books are written. And thankfully, some of them are not written for that purpose. Some norm-breakers, some unconventional misfits come with a book every now and then, and that's beautiful to read and play with.

Now, I want to share the solutions to how you can avoid confusing the universe, but let's first have a look at what's causing this confusion. And to keep your life simple, I'll just use one word, mind. Your mind is causing the confusion because mind is always in the past or in the future. Mind is IIM, identity, information, memory. So what your identity is, it could be your religious identity, social, personal, professional. Believe it or not, that identity in itself is stopping you, limiting you from becoming the greatest success you can be. Your identity through the religious lens, through the lens of your family, the narrative of the family, the information you may have about intimacy, success, financial growth, healing, that information sometimes liberates you, but many times limits you because if so much of that information was received by your mind and body when you were younger, that is pretty much a trauma building up over the years.

And then of course, memory. You'll be giving confusing messages to universe if your memory has conflicting experiences. If you want to grow in your business or finances but the old memory, the past memory has just moments of betrayal, cheating, and wrong steps that lost a lot of money, of course, you'll be approaching universe with a lot of fear and doubt. So, mind is something that you got to keep working gently, lovingly, heal it, nurture it. I mean, the entire Leela podcast is about going beyond mind, so I don't even know which episode you can start with, but start with the one that's speaking to you at the moment, and don't be afraid to do the uncomfortable work. Don't be afraid to feel that discomfort and take steps that get you out of the comfort zone.

Now, let's move on to the solutions. Number one, know your frequency. Remember, you don't get what you want, you get what you are. Your frequency radiates your deeper truth. So you could appear happy, joyful on the outside, but deep down, you could be sad, angry, depressed. But that's okay. You're a human. You're allowed to experience all of that. But the moment you understand and become aware that your frequency is moving on a certain lower level, raise it, change it, work on it. There's a book called Levels of Energy. I recommend reading it. It's not a very tough book to read. Very easy, simple, fun book to read. Go through it, understand it deeply, and it will make a lot of sense on how you receive and give a very mixed frequency at times.

Number two, know the gap between what you want versus where you are. Take some time to write down where you are in your life right now, and then reflect on where you want to be and then meditate. What actions, simple steps, fun steps I can take to create an effective plan to reduce the gap? Any steps that show up, go with it. Start somewhere. Start with the most easy and fun step because the moment you start to show up, you will change the frequency. The universe will notice you. It notices that you are working hard. So, the harder you work, the more sincere you work, universe matches your frequency and it supports you, it multiplies that. And many times, this is how the changes happen. Many times, this is how the transformations happen. Because the fundamental truth is if there are mixed results happening, then there is a misalignment between your action, intention, and meditation. And that misalignments, they are a result of the confusion in the mind, the trauma, the conflict, the anger, the shame. So, starting with something so simple and fun could be a game changer completely.

Next step, work on your daily habits. Keep them consistent. A lot of the confusion happens because we are so stressed out. We are chasing a certain idea of success. Like I talked about in the beginning, you may want to be successful, you may want to be really great at what you do and be known for it. But the moment you start to approach that, you don't know how to move forward. You start to feel overwhelmed. You start to get distracted by the noises in your mind. So, build certain habits that are non-negotiable. You are not changing them for anyone. You're not compromising on those. They could be your walk, yoga, workout, meditation, gardening, cooking, your sacred hours. It's one of the episodes on Leela episode. I highly recommend you listen.

Combining this with sacred hours will be a powerful work. It could be going to therapy. Working with the right therapist can be game changer to release the blockages in that whole identity, information, and memory. Practicing your journaling. Build on certain actions and habits where you fully know, this is it. This is my daily warrior mindset and I'm showing up for it. And you can call it a goddess plan, a warrior plan. Go for the labels that work best for you, but begin somewhere. Thinking, talking, analyzing, not going to work. You really have to be asking yourself some really powerful questions in this work. Who do I want to be? Who am I beyond my culture? Who am I beyond my family? Meditations on these questions many times will result in some interesting and powerful truth.

Next step, right intention. Look at your intention as a way of planting the seed. Planting the right seed in the right playground, right field, that will bring the result. So, one of my go-to mantra is think of yourself as a seed and ask yourself, what could support me to feel more empowered, to feel more playful, joyful, happier? So, if it's creativity that you think will get you out of this confusion, if it's more abundance, if it's more calmness, if it's more clarity, it could be anything. I recommend, stick with one element to begin with and invite that in your intention. That my intention is to move forward with self-trust. My intention is to lead with clarity. My intention is to respond with calmness. So I'm giving you certain examples that can genuinely help you to break the old and invite the new.

And next point is resetting your karmic contract, and that's a recent episode. I believe it was not the last episode, but the one before that. So listen to that one. Resetting your karmic contract is a huge game changer for releasing the confusion between you and the universe. And finally, work on your Devi sadhana, the divine feminine, the goddess work. Because when we talk about universe, when we talk about not confusing the universe and moving forward with this playfulness trust, this is all goddess energy we are playing with, goddess energy we are inviting. And this goddess energy is gentle, healing, intuitive, calming, very warm.

So if you have a meditation practice, and if you are open, start to align the meditation practice with the Devi meditation practice, the goddess meditations. There are goddess mantras in the Leela podcast. The goddess work has a powerful impact on releasing the confusion and opening up the spaces where you are no more confused and you are so supported and led by the divine feminine force. And that my friend is incredible, indescribable. And when I say indescribable, I'm still understating it. It's something you haven't experienced, but open up to it. Start with the mantras on the Leela podcast. And when you can, emotionally, spiritually, financially go for the deeper work. Go for the work that can truly lead you and guide you.

And on that note, this episode ends. I hope this episode brought you out of the confusion and gave you enough tools and resources to build a path of clarity. Speak to you soon and I hope to see some of you in the conscious meditation. Be safe, be well.

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Instagram: @cbmeditates