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Energy Protection: A Tantra Perspective

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In this episode, Chandresh shares the tantra perspective on energy protection, what it is, and how to nurture and understand it. Some of the questions Chandresh discusses include the following:

What tools help protect your energy in the best way? What tools do we think are beneficial in western society that actually isn’t? How do other cultures protect their energy in ways western society doesn’t? What are the upsides and downsides to this? Do different energy healing modalities help to protect your energy? If so, how helpful are they? What are the long-term benefits of using modalities and tools to protect your energy? What happens if you do not protect your energy at all?

Episode Transcript

How do we define energy in tantra? What tools help protect our energy in the best way? How do other cultures protect their energy in ways that western societies don't? Is the energy curse real? What happens if you don't protect your energy at all? In this episode, we are going to explore energy protection, aura cleansing, energy healing scams, and everything possible that's connected with our energy. Stay tuned till the end because there are going to be plenty of practical tools, information and insights through a tantra perspective. I'm Chandresh Bhardwaj and this is Leela Gurukul. Namaste everyone, I hope you're feeling relaxed, easy, safe and grounded wherever you are and whenever you are listening to this episode. As we talk about energy protection, one thing that instantly came to my mind is the energy related to social media and how it continues to become so interesting, so complex.

There is clearly a power trip, ego trip hidden in these apps, and we keep reacting to it. And I've been reflecting my relationship with social apps for many years, maybe from day one, honestly. And I keep redefining, re-imagining how I want to use it, how I plan to invest my energy into it. And one thing that feels very clear to my heart is that I really enjoy creating podcast because I feel it is such a safe, beautiful, intimate, cozy setting. And I honestly never, ever felt exhausted while doing it. And I do wish to keep creating more and more episodes in the Leela podcast in the future. And secondly, the emails, they feel really beautiful, sending you guys emails. So if you are not on the LeelaGurukul.com email list, I would highly recommend you join it because that's where a lot of interactions happen.

And the other layers would be Instagram, Telegram Channel, where I share bits and pieces about tantra goddesses and more stuff. I am working on a tantra goddess program called Goddess Rising, and that's truly the most, I think, ambitious, creative, heartwarming, wonderful program I've ever created. I'm in the process of it. It already feels deep, solid, and intense. And if you are on the email list, you would be the first one to know about it and to apply for it because the pricing for the first launch will be significantly lower than any other launch after that. So I do recommend to subscribe to the emails. And now coming back to the energy protection, this is one episode that I had been wanting to create, record for a long time, and I'm surprised it's been more than a 100 episodes or maybe, I don't know at this point, 120 or 30.

I don't really count them, but it's been so many episodes and I have never recorded an exclusive episode on energy protection. It needs to be recorded, it needs to be shared. So let's get into it. What really is energy, first of all, in tantra? Let's first talk about that because everything else revolves around that definition. In tantra or in Eastern traditions, energy is defined as prana. Prana means the life force. Energy would also be defined as sud chaitanya means pure consciousness. When we are born, we are born as sud chaitanya, the stream of pure consciousness. There is no fear, there is all creativity, playfulness, innocence, pure love, no division or hatred. But very quickly, children learn to manipulate life. They learn from us, from adults, from school, religion, manipulations. They're hearing, watching, listening. And nowadays with every other child holding an iPad, I think the manipulations will obviously increase because they're looking at parents, who are emotionally manipulating each other very often.

So they simply follow that. Energy also means prana, the life force. So if you are born with that pure consciousness and then you become corrupted, what do you do? Thankfully, there's resolution, prana, life force. There are countless ways to reset, recharge your prana, and that's exactly what we are going to discuss today. The blessing of prana, the energy is so sensitive, so tender, so open, and it can receive any layer of divinity, any layer of love, blessing, powerful stuff. The downside, the curse of energy is that it is so sensitive. It's so innocent, so fragile, which means if it's constantly exposed to something toxic, negative, heavy, depleting, then it is going to give in. The reason why tantra masters have always said that human consciousness is the most privileged form to exist. And it's because as a human consciousness, you do have the power to come back to your pure consciousness. So first thing to understand here is you are energy, you are awareness, you are not the body, mind or thoughts.

You have the body, you have the mind, you have the thoughts. You have memories, you have identity, you have information. Please do not mistaken that for your existence, for your reality. Because when you take charge of your energy, everything else takes a backseat and you have much better control over how you handle your life and how you protect your energy. And I can assure you each year, each month, it's going to become even more relevant, even more urgent to protect your energy. Now the first question here is how and when the energy gets negatively affected? When exactly does it start to deplete? Now there are so many answers to it. I'm obviously going to stick to just a few that are coming to my mind right now. And it's also based on my experience and information and experiences of my students. Number one is the social spaces we hang out in, the friendships, the relationships, the family outings. Each time you interact with someone, and this is purely non-sexual, just friendship, family, business, professional settings.

Each time you're hanging out, you're being social, there is an energy exchange happening. And if the people around you are going through fear, anxiety, trauma, if they have a habit of constantly experiencing or defining life through a negative lens, you are going to feel it. You are going to be depleted by it. And I like to believe most of us will have a clear, visible sign, "That my energy does feel depleted." When it happens, pause your day, reflect back.

Whom did you meet? What kind of interactions did you have? Because that's where your answer is. And then try not to repeat the same experience, not to casually hang out, not to impulsively hang out with people who end up depleting your energy. And let me mention it here, most people do not deplete your energy consciously. They are simply showing up in whatever best level of awareness they are in. But if you are an empath, if you are this tender, open, receptive heart person, you are going to feel their energy. You are going to react to it. The solution is you got to build a much stronger aura, much stronger prana, but I'll save that for the end. Number two, interesting stuff that can deplete your energy is buying or consuming used stuff, used clothing. Especially clothing because our clothes, they really intake a lot of our energy.

So if I send my t-shirt that I wore maybe three months ago, two weeks ago to a healer, they can tell so much about me simply through that t-shirt. Simply through that piece of clothes because the clothes really absorb a lot of our energy. And nowadays it's a fashion. It's so normal to wear used clothing, do not recommend that ever. I highly recommend if you are into... If there's a financial challenge and you have to buy used furniture, used car, used clothing. Just be careful, be highly alert and aware where are you going into. I think with clothes you can absolutely do without buying a used clothing. But when it comes to furniture, a car, then you've got to be way more careful, especially I think a lot of people go for used cars. And there's rarely a way for someone to know who owned this car before, what kind of person they were. So if your budget is too low, try to look for a car that's just less damaged, less gone through its own anxiety levels.

So in the US we get this Carfax where we can actually get to know if the car has been into accidents, has been into certain repairs. So you can figure out if the car has been through four accidents, one door change. So clearly there was something going on, so avoid it. That's my general recommendation is, but you can be smarter, you can feel the energy. And when you buy that car or house, then you can go through a bit of energy cleansing. But idly avoid going into used stuff. My job in this episode is not to convince you, buy the used stuff and then go through energy cleansing. I'm here to tell you to not go into used stuff to begin with. If you have to, if it's a must, then we can take some energy healing precautions. And the next point is what you consume as food. I have been vegan since 2002 or 2000, I think, more than 20 years. And I'm not that kind of vegan who will get angry, who will block you and who will go through all of that to convince you should be vegan.

I think you should be just very, very much in alignment with your body. You got to listen to your body. You got to listen to the medical guidelines of what your body can intake. The reason I became vegan and before vegan, I was vegetarian, dairy didn't go well with me. And that's the only reason I stepped into the vegan food. And I also witnessed certain experiences with the cows and that also kind of made me want to be vegan. So having said that, what you eat is absolutely going to affect your energy. There's something that's called tamsik food. Tamsik is spicy, oily, high in sugar, alcohol, meat. These kind of foods will have a much more tamsik, high energy, aggressive energy. And that doesn't mean it's terrible for you. Sometimes we do need a tamsik energy. We do need that higher, aggressive fire. So you've got to balance it out. You got to eat mindfully. You got to listen to your body, how the energy moves and changes after you eat food.

And final point here is your emotional and sexual or sensual experiences. Believe it or not, your bed is a reservoir of so much powerful energy. And one thing that tantra do not recommend is treating your bed impulsively. Treating your bed so casually. The person who sleeps with you in the bed. And I mean sleeping, just sleeping, not even indulging in anything sexual. Just sleeping in itself is such a deeper energy impact moment.

And when you interact with someone, if there is any sort of physical energy moving, exchanging between you and someone else, that absolutely affects your energy. This is why sometimes when you date too many people at the same time, you start to feel exhausted. You collapse at one point. This is why majority of people who are trying to experiment with polyamory, multiple partners, it doesn't go anywhere with them. Or if it does, you notice a certain level of anxiety that's constantly there. You're most gentle, essential relationship is with yourself. Once you've figured that part out, everything else will be easier to decode. So your intimacy levels, they determine a lot. And I have recorded plenty of episodes in Leela for you to really reflect on how you are handling your sexual energy. Please do that because that really affects other energy levels. Now these were some interesting, I think, practical outlets where you could have your energy negatively affected.

Now, coming to the million dollar question that I get asked very often, is energy curse real? No, mostly no. Sometimes yes. But for you to curse someone's energy, you really have to operate on a certain level of Buddha consciousness that you have the impact of cursing someone. And the irony is, if you can operate on that level of Buddha consciousness, the cursing will be useless for you because you'll be filled with so much compassion, so much love. That idea of cursing will never cross your mind. I think people, especially on TikTok, Instagram and on YouTube, these kind of platforms, you read a lot about energy cursing. I've been told sometimes random people will send you a message that there's energy curse in your ancestors and, "I can fix it, I can help it. You've got to join me in prayer or pay XYZ amount of money to heal it."

Please do not ever, ever believe or give in to these messages or videos or this kind of information. The only person who's capable of cursing you as yourself, your doubts, your insecurities, your inner fears. They are the only demons that are holding you back. There is no other energy curse happening, really. And I recorded this episode few years ago, so I'll refresh the memory. Sometimes you may travel through spaces which could be haunting, which could have a history of restless spirits. And when you come back from there, you may feel exhausted, depleted. But again, those ghost or restless spirits are not cursing you, but it's your own lack of prana that is reacting with their insecurity, their restlessness. So if you can, continue to recharge and consistently show up in your sadhana or meditation, then no one can curse you. No one can hold you back.

So there are plenty of energy healing scams that are happening lately. There are fake accounts. People are sending messages, taking your money. Most of the times they won't ask for too much money because if they ask for, let's say $1000, you may not send it right away, but if they ask for $20, you may send it right away. So it's much more profitable for them to charge a lower amount because then the money comes straight to them. They know you're desperate and that's why they are reaching out to you. So if you have a much healthier, deeper relationship with your prana, with your energy, then no one can fool you. No one can cash on your vulnerability. This is important to understand here.

Now, why do you need to protect your energy? And what happens if you don't? You need to protect your energy because, my friend, you are pure consciousness. You are not here by accident. Your life does not have a purpose. I get it. But you are the purpose. Your life is a purpose. You got to show up every day, experience life in all its seasons, and you can only experience it if you're functioning on that frequency. If you are not protecting your energy, then you're functioning on a lower energy level. Then the person you are dating on and off is reflecting through you. The processed food you're eating is reflecting through you. The mindless scrolling on your social apps, that's reflecting through you. So you've got to protect your energy so that you can show up for your life on a daily basis. Once again, the word is self reverence. So important, so essential. If there is self reverence, your vibe will attract the most amazing tribe.

And when you do not protect your energy consciously, then you feel constantly anxious, attacked, fearful, doubtful. You don't have the confidence, courage, or calmness to operate on that 10 on 10 frequency. Now, how do you protect the energy? Remember, you are energy being. So this is something that's as consistent as practical as you eat food, take a shower. First thing here to understand is you got to have a routine, a consistent routine. It could be a very boring looking routine, but it's a routine. So sleeping on time, waking up on a certain time, showing up for your sadhana on a daily basis. Having an altar at the home, having flowers, sage, candles, something to just keep the energy in the home going. I tell all the Leela students to play mantras in the background when you are just doing your work. And those could be gentle mantras, gayatri mantra, other gentle mantras. And they could be from any culture, just play them in the background, let them raise the frequency.

And I want to share how do you specifically built a protection circle, raksha sutra around your energy? That's where things get very exciting. So your daily sadhana is a must. It's a foundation. Without it, we can't really protect the energy. Number two, a relationship with a certain higher force really comes in handy. And that can only be possible if you are a consistent meditator because when you show up in the sadhana; by the way, those who are new to the Leela podcast, sadhana means a disciplined spiritual practice. When you are showing up for your sadhana, there is a gentle relationship, a firm, a clear relationship that you start to build with the deities. The higher forces. They're unknown, invisible, mystical. They may or may not have a certain shape or a form or a color in your mind but you feel them.

You experience the energy and you feel there is something with you. So as that relationship starts to deepen, three energy centers in your physical body, you got to notice them. Number one and the most accessible is your fingertips. That's where energy's warmed up, that's where it builds up. And that's honestly the most practical outlet of your energy. Now, there are two other outlets. You don't need to worry about them or do anything with them, but I'll share with you. One energy space is your crown chakra, top of the head. You can't touch it, you cannot do anything with it. But that's the gateway of energy. You receive a lot of energy from the crown center. It's really a very tender, soft, fragile space. You cannot work with it directly. But if you are meditating, showing up for your daily practices, creativity, then the crown center becomes much more open, relaxed, and easy. And then your feet, that's where energy is leaving you, that's where energy is releasing.

Again, you cannot really work with it. But these are just two centers. The only center you can work with is your hands, your fingertips. So each time you complete your meditation, you could place your fingertips on your third eye, your throat, your heart, your navel, and visualize a light, a certain energy and gently expanding, circling around you. Now, if you do this consistently, even for a few seconds on a daily basis, then it becomes much more accessible. It will not be accessible if you try to invite it randomly when you are in trouble, because when you are going through any anxiety or fear then it becomes difficult as it is to invite in this protection. But when you're doing your mantra, your sadhana in the end, why in the end? Because that's when the energy's most receptive. That's when you are in your Shiva/Shakti energy. The thoughts are not bothering you so much.

You are in a much more centered space. And that's when you can just expand the energy around you and gently touch your third eye, your throat, your navel center. Why these three centers? Because third eye is your willpower space. That's where you build the energy, the consciousness. The throat is your visuddha, which means it filters down the energy. So anything that is not serving you is actually filtered well by the throat center. So when you touch it very softly, I'm not recommending you. You press it, but you softly touch. It's a feather touch. You softly touch your throat chakra and enlighten the softness, enlighten the calmness on the throat center. And the navel center is your seat, your foundation, your comfort, your creativity, relaxation. That's when it becomes much more stronger. This is for the overall protection. If you are going through something where you feel you need emergency protection, you need something to just protect you.

It could be in a certain meeting, a relationship conversation, or if you are in some crazy space where you actually feel threatened, here's what you can do. Immediately bring your awareness on the heart. Take two or three deep breaths, and then right away take your awareness on third eye, invite in the mantra Om Shakti Namaha and use that mantra to build a circle around you and have enough faith and confidence that your energy is becoming stronger, the aura is becoming stronger, and stay in that mantra Om Shakti Namaha and then have the confidence to take the next step. It could be walking away, driving away. Don't let the ego or emotions take the call. You got to be operating in a much more aware, mindful space in these moments because emotions take over. And then we take decisions that are not serving us.

In tantra, we go through Shaktipat, which is specific energy transfer from the teacher to a student. I do it with my guru and my students do it with me. And it could be long distance, it could be in the same energy space, and that's another level of energy protection. But when you are even showing up for my meditations on Leela podcast, visualize that there is a certain higher energy circling around you, keeping you protected, keeping you safe. And I feel the next episode on the Leela podcast should be energy protection, meditation. And that's all for today. See you in the next episode. Be safe. Be well.

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