The Feminine: A Meditation and Musing

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I wrote this musing to heal, to honor, to witness the sacred feminine in you. You may use it as a guided meditation or simply play it as and when you need the healing, care, and guidance of the Devi consciousness. Visit to send your questions and to know more about Chandresh's work.

The feminine - a muse, a mystery, a divine force, a divine mess, a paradox, a goddess.

Who is she indeed?

The question continues to travel through ages, navigating through the culture, time and tradition.

People, across various philosophies and cultures, have yearned to understand, to learn, to resonate with her essence, yet she often remains a mystery, often covered by misconception and misrepresentation.

The feminine, for many centuries, and even in these modern, progressive times, finds herself suppressed, bounded by the shackles of social norms and expectations.

often trapped in the collective noise that chants only one mantra: "Do this. Don't do that. Don't expose yourself too much. Behave!”

Over and over again, the feminine has been conditioned to play a suppressed role, to silence her own desires and dreams to meet the needs and desires of others.

But what if this perspective was all a grand misunderstanding? a haunting tragedy that continues to multiply like a virus?

What if I proposed that the feminine, in her truest essence, is wild and unapologetically free?

She exists beyond structures, rules, and norms.

She is as uncontainable as the wind, as vast as the night sky. Just like the Goddess Kali in Tantra.

In the temple of ancient goddesses, she spreads her wings wide, shaking off the oppressive weight of social and cultural expectations.

Like a wildflower, she radiates her fragrance, claiming her space.

The feminine, in her true essence, is courage in its finest form.

She is sensuality personified, a testament to the divine aesthetic of existence.

She is a free spirit, untamed and unchained, dancing in harmonious rhythm with the cosmic currents.

In her being resides the divine spark that fuels creation, poetry, and warmth.

She is the muse that guides the heart and hand of the artist, the essence that breathes life into art.

The feminine is intuitive, that transcends the mundane, pouring right frequency at the right moment.

She is creative courage embodied, an artist whose canvas is the world itself, and whose books are filled with stories and experiences of lifetime. And beyond.

More than a mere storyteller, she is a dream weaver, spinning ancient tales from the very fabric of her soul.

These tales possess the strength to melt the mountains, to heal the heart, to ignite the fires of imagination, and arouse an entire universe.

Breathe, let go.

Don’t overthink this.

Open the gateways to the divine feminine within you, embrace the wholeness of your conscious self-expression.

Let your life be a canvas for your art, painting with the shades of wonder and playfulness, or with the rich tones of fiery passion that consume you.

Let the whispers of intuition be your sacred compass, guiding you to the boundless beauty that resides within you and in the world outside.

Awaken the dormant magic within you, waiting for your touch to bloom the full moon.

The time has come for you to step into the spotlight, to reveal the gorgeous radiance of your divine femininity.

Shed the cloak of invisibility, and allow the world to witness the magnificent masterpiece that is you, painted with the strokes of your unique experiences and expressions.

Embrace the feminine, the goddess within, the very embodiment of life and love.

I see you.

I witness.

The nurturing mother, the passionate lover, the insightful sage, the resilient warrior, the boundless creator.

Your roles are manifold, her essence as vast as the cosmos.

Episode Transcript

The feminine. A muse, a mystery, a divine force, a divineness, a paradox, a goddess. Who is she indeed? The question continues to travel through time and tradition. People across various philosophies, cultures and societies have yearned to understand, to learn, to resonate with her essence. Yet, she remains a mystery, often covered by misconception and misrepresentation. The feminine, for many centuries, when even in these modern so-called progressive times finds herself suppressed, bounded by the shackles of social norms and expectations, she finds herself often trapped in the collective noise that chants only one mantra, "Do this. Don't do that. Don't expose yourself too much. Behave." Over and over again. The feminine has been conditioned to play a suppressed role, to silent her own desires and dreams to meet the needs and desires of others. But what if this perspective was all a great misunderstanding, a haunting tragedy that continues to multiply like a virus? What if I proposed that the feminine in her truest essence is wild, untamed, and unapologetically free? She exists beyond structures, rules, and norms. She's as uncontainable as the wind, as vast as the night sky, just like the goddess Kali in tantra. In the temple of ancient goddesses, she spreads her wings wide shaking off the oppressive weight of social and cultural expectations. Blooming like a wild flower, she radiates her fragrance, claiming her space. The feminine in her true essence is courage in its finest form, she is sensuality personified a testament to the divine aesthetic of existence. She is a free spirit, untamed and unchained, dancing playfully in the harmonious rhythm with the cosmic currents. In her being resides the divine spark that fuels creation, poetry, and warmth. She's the muse that guides the heart and the hands of the artist. The essence that breathes life into art. The feminine is intuitive that transcends the mundane, boring the right frequency at the right moment. The feminine is creative courage embodied, an artist whose canvas is the world itself, and whose books are filled with stories and experiences of lifetime and beyond. More than a mere storyteller, she's a dream weaver, spinning ancient tales from the very fabric of our soul. These tales possess the strength to melt the mountains, strength to heal the heart, to ignite the fires of imagination and arouse an entire universe. Beloved divine feminine. Take a moment to breathe. Take a moment to let go. Take a moment to trust the process of your blooming. Don't overthink this. Open the gateways to the divine feminine within you.

Embrace the wholeness of daily consciousness. Honor the strength, the courage of your conscious self- expression. Let your life be a canvas for your art, painting with the shades of wonder and playfulness or with the rich tones of fierce passion that consumes you. Let the whispers of divine be your sacred compass guiding you to the boundless beauty that resides in your eyes, that lives so beautifully in your voice, that continues to crawl on your neck, on your back, moving somewhere deep into your heart. Don't be afraid to awaken the dormant magic within you. It's waiting for your touch to bloom the moons and the suns. My dear beloved feminine, the time has come for you to step into the spotlight. We, the men, are supporting you, rooting for you. Reveal the gorgeous radiance of your divine femininity. Shed the clock of invisibility, and allow the world to witness the magnificent art that you are, painted with a stroke of your unique expression experience, and that tender warm heart you carry within. Embrace the divine feminine within you. Learn to love the goddess within you. You are the embodiment of life, love, and magic. I see you. I witness you. I witness a nurturing mother, the passionate lover, the insightful sage, the resilient warrior, the boundless creator. I know your roles are manyfold. I know you're expanded in multiple dimensions. I know your essence is as vast as the cosmos. And how beautiful is that? When did you forgot who you are? Come back. Learn to love your presence. Learn the value of your presence. Embrace your sexuality.

Claim your orgasms. Step into the abundance you know you deserve. Let the collective consciousness rewrite your story. Beloved, divine feminine, I dedicate this to you. I dedicate this to the Goddess Kali who continues to hold me, heal me, and breathe through me. I dedicate this to the lionesses and the wolves and the woman who raised me. I dedicate this to you. I'm Chandresh Bhardwaj, and this is Leela Gurukul.

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Chandresh Bhardwaj

Chandresh Bhardwaj is a seventh-generation tantra teacher, spiritual advisor, and speaker. Based in Los Angeles and New York, Chandresh is the author of the book Break the Norms written with the intention to awaken human awareness from its conditioned self. His mission is to demystify tantra and make it an accessible and easy-to-understand and practically applicable spiritual practice.

Play of Life: A Tantra Perspective


Getting to Know the True Essence of Tantra