The Yoni Goddess: Your Creative Reservoir

Join us in this episode of Leela Gurukul as we delve into the mysteries of Goddess Kamakhya, the revered deity known for her association with yoni healing and the sacred feminine. Explore her significance in tantric practices and modern spirituality as we uncover the profound wisdom and transformative potential she holds. Discover the timeless teachings of Goddess Kamakhya that invite us to embrace the sacred feminine within ourselves and tap into the boundless creative energy of the universe.

Episode Transcript

The yoni goddess. The goddess who bleeds the goddess, who menstruates. I'm talking about the Goddess Kamakhya, one of the most respected, loved, and celebrated goddess in the tantra traditions. This is first time I'm talking about her on a public platform, in the Leela podcast. She's the goddess of yoni healing, sexual healing, but also the healing and unleashing of the creative in you. Unleashing of a new artist in you, a deep and devoted meditation on her can entirely change your life. And I'm telling you this with complete confidence and experience. Receive this episode as a meditation. Receive her energy as if she's listening. This episode with you by your side, I am Chandresh Bhardwaj and this is Leela Gurukul. Namaste, everyone, I hope you are feeling easy, safe, and grounded.

A few fun updates before we get into the mysterious universe of Goddess Kamakhya number one is not the most fun update, but you know it is what it is. I have been under the weather for the last few days, so if my energy feels a bit low, it's only because of that reason. I almost skipped recording the next episode and I thought I'll wait for a while. But then I thought if there is a topic that I can continue talking, even if I'm sick, it would be the goddess energy, it would be Goddess Kamakhya. And as I talk about her, I can already sense a new energy, a new excitement. So I guess I chose a good topic for this week's episode. Second fun update for sure is that Leela is moving into a membership model. Lot of more details will come, but make sure you are signed up for the wait list.

Leela membership will be easy, fun, and accessible way to dive deep into tantra. There won't be any group cohorts in Leela, but this membership will give you as deep experience as possible to cultivate and unleash a new artist and storyteller. One good example is let's say I do this talk on Goddess Kamakhya, right? But there is so much to explore around her. So much of the meditation work, mantra work. Imagine all of that work systematically arranged and kept for you in the Leela membership. How fun and exciting it would be, and it would be affordable, accessible to everyone. That's my promise. So give it few months because I need that time to create and regenerate and Goddess Kamakhya's energy is going to be so present as we plant the first few seeds of this membership. The third one update. I have two spots open for the Advance Tantra Mastery program.

It's my one-on-one coaching program. Commitment is minimum of six months, although no one wraps up the program in six months. The A T M clients, the Tantra Mastery clients have been with me for years. That's the power, the evolution, the growth that one experiences in the Tantra Mastery before you reach out to apply. Keep in mind, this is for those who are ready and willing to do the work for a deeper emotional healing, creative, healing, and willing to grow in your abundance and spiritual fulfillment. It's a commitment of minimum six months. It's a five-figure investment work. It's also the work that will push you, empower you to create the best creative artistic version of you. So that feels exciting. You can email at or simply drop a message on Instagram and you and I will have a chat introduction call where you can ask as many questions as you want to, and we both will figure out if this is the right space for us to go deeper into. And now my friend, take a deep breath, relax and get ready for the Goddess Kamakhya energy. If you are really listening to it sitting,

I would recommend light a candle because my hope, my intention is Kamakhya devi's energy truly shows up in your being. As you are listening and receiving this, there are so many aspects of Goddess Kamakhya, so many ways we can tap into her energy. I've picked few specific ways so that you truly understand and receive her power. Before we get into the particular aspects, a quick story on my first meeting with Kamakhya, I believe I was either in the late teens, probably around 19, between 19 to 22 or 19 to 21. I remember visiting the temple, it's beautiful temple, lots of people. And when I say lots of people, it's India. So lots of people means lots of people. It's just not 10 to 20 people standing there inside the temple where the main energy center is. There is no light, it's all dark. So I walked down, did the rituals meditated. I came out, I felt transformed. I felt as if something shifted in me. I could smell it, I could feel it. And being the curious child I always was. I kept on asking why there's no light inside the temple. At one point, I remember my teacher was there, many senior priest of the temple were there, and I kept on asking the same question. And then one young priest took me to the side and he said,

The reason there is no light in the temple is because this is the yoni form of goddess, and we are giving her the privacy, the sacredness, to honor that yoni space. I remember receiving that information with numbness because I grew up meditating on goddesses, but never on the yoni goddess. And that also validated why my teacher always would tell me, I'll take you to Goddess Temple first time because I don't want you to go by yourself the first time. There is a certain sacred protocol around the temple. Go with me first time, understand what it's all about. It's not a casual space to visit. It's a space of highly, you know, peak tantric energy. So after you visit with me, you can go there by yourself as many times as you want to. And hearing from the priest just validated why my teacher would always tell me to go with him. I remember sitting in my hotel room that night and reflecting that I meditated on the yoni. And as a young boy, I know I was reflecting and questioning a lot that night. And I could sense that probably the way I relate to women will start to change.

The way I understand women and their sexuality will change. And I think it's probably one of the reasons why I continue to talk about the female sensuality. I continue to be fascinated about the feminine energy. And currently my bread and butter, my entire work is revolved around the feminine energy. And I think Goddess Kamakhya sort of welcomed me to talk about her. I always feel I'm one of the chosen ones.

By Goddess Kamakhya. I got this free pass to talk about the yoni energy, and I do want to talk about it with a lot of rawness, reverence, and poetry because there's no other way to talk about this powerful energy. Now, the first aspect of Goddess Kamakhya in this aspect, let's invite her in her menstruation form. It's the form where she menstruates. Her menstruation symbolizes so many revolutionary things. Number one, while she's menstruating, the temple is closed and outside the temple, it's a celebration. Not only the devoted seekers from all over the world who visit there to meditate, but also the most senior, authentic, powerful tanic teachers and practitioners live there during that time. It becomes a hub, a hotbed of the tantric practices for those days. It's believed that while she's in that menstruation space, she's resting. And during that restful time, her creative energy is only multiplying. This whole ritual is celebrated in the form of a festival called Ambubachi Me

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Chandresh Bhardwaj

Chandresh Bhardwaj is a seventh-generation tantra teacher, spiritual advisor, and speaker. Based in Los Angeles and New York, Chandresh is the author of the book Break the Norms written with the intention to awaken human awareness from its conditioned self. His mission is to demystify tantra and make it an accessible and easy-to-understand and practically applicable spiritual practice.

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