Unleashing the Divine Feminine Part 2

Conscious texting with CB on +1310-361-5485, available to seekers in the USA and Canada only.

In this episode, Chandresh covers questions sent to him from part one of the divine feminine conversation. Some of the questions answered in this episode include:

How can she maintain her blooming? How to continue deepening it?

How can we honor the divine feminine more in this world where women are forced to lead and drive, which are, I believe, more masculine traits?

Is it okay to express our sexual energy without shame?

Is it always necessary to claim our truth in any circumstances?

Can someone in the middle of family and mothering years practice tantra?

Episode Transcript

Namaste, everyone. I hope you're feeling safe, relaxed, happy wherever you are. Thank you for the overwhelming amazing response to the episode on Unleashing the Divine Feminine. This is part two of that episode where I'll be answering questions that you all sent. There were many repeating questions so I'm basically picking up one question which includes questions similar to that subject as well. So there's still many questions, so hopefully we'll be able to go into all of them. And there was one question regarding the announcement I made about the Divine Feminine Devi programs, Tantra programs to be introduced in Leela. Many of you wanted to know when, what, the whole structure. And as I shared, it's a seed that's planted. I'm in no rush to launch it overnight, it won't happen overnight. I'm speaking to my senior teachers, my guru, I'm speaking to other people and it will be a collective effort from everyone. So give me some time, give yourself some patience, it will happen soon. It won't take months or years, it will happen most likely within this year.

My intention is to make sure it's organic and it solves all your problems related to the divine feminine universe. Subscribe to the email because that's where I'll always be connected to you. The Instagram and everything, I'm not sure for how long I'll be there or for how long they'll exist. It's changing so rapidly and I'm not a fan of the noise it's creating every day. All right, so let's get into the questions. I'm going to take the first name of the people I picked questions and that one question includes many other similar questions as well. Okay. The first one is from Monta. "The way you are describing divine feminine, people will judge her. How to handle the judgment toward arising feminine?" The judgment will happen, it has always happened, it will continue to happen. But if you suppress your growth, if you limit your blooming because someone will judge, you already know the answer. It's not even worth it, right? If someone is judging you because you are blooming, that really means they like to see you how you were 10 years ago.

They're still in love with the old self of you. But that old self is dead, so they are in love with a version of you that's not even alive anymore. And that's a struggle with the divine feminine. There is a plastic rose and a real rose, a plastic rose is glossy, attractive, good to look at and a real rose is beautiful, attractive, but it has a life of its own. So it means at one point, it's going to be very fragile, fresh, raw. Then it blooms, it grows. Then it starts to change its color. And eventually, it dies, it evolves, it moves into a different dimension. Majority of the society, the cultures we live in, they like to see the woman as a plastic rose who can continue to fight against age, who continue to glow, stay glossy, never age. And unfortunately, a woman also believed that narrative and they do their best every single day to fight the age, to stay glossy, to stay just how they were always.

As a result of it, you start to get infatuated with that plastic rose in you and you forget and almost hate the real rose. So if there are people who judge the real rose and they want you to be the plastic rose, you rather stay away from these people. You create strong boundaries there. If you have to stay alone, if you have to feel the loneliness for a while, if you have to fight the demons, fight the good fight, it will be worth it because not only you are doing it for your blooming, but you're also doing it for the future generation of the feminine. It creates a ripple effect. When the divine feminine rises today, it's going to help the divine feminine of the future to rise. Okay, next one is from Ogi. "How can she maintain her blooming and how to continue deepening it?" This is a question that I hear very frequently, how to maintain the blooming and how to deepen it. There are two ways of doing it and both ways are equally important.

One is the spiritual way and the other one is the psychological way or the material way. One way is to go within and the other one is to go out there. The one that goes within, that's the spiritual, that's where your meditations become important, that's where your perception of who you are as a woman, that's so important. You have to honor, embrace and understand the divine feminine you are. You have to define it very well. What does divine feminine mean for you? In part one of this episode, I shared many women believe divine feminine to be just an attractive magazine cover woman. And I know women who believe divine feminine is just a fragile, a weak, a scattered energy. So it's just important that you define the divine feminine for yourself really well. And then tap into the right meditations, tap into the right mantra, consume the right information. Consumption is very important for the divine feminine.

We talked about yoni tantra. The study of yoni tantra is very simple that yoni is the source, the womb, that's where the life grows. So the yoni tantra teaches women to make sure they consume everything mindfully. They consume everything with love. They consume everything with that mindful affection toward themselves. And this consumption means everything, emotional, spiritual, sexual, the food you eat, the information you receive, it's all affecting the inner blooming. It's all helping you to deepen it. So create a daily consistent routine where you will show up for the meditation, where you'll honor that divine feminine space for yourself. And don't try to do it alone and you don't have to do it alone. You have to fully believe that when you show up for that divine feminine, there are known and unknown forces in the universe joining you, supporting you in that path. If you listen to my meditations, I always invite that they be consciousness to join you and support you in that meditation, because you are connected to that divine consciousness.

You're an extension of that daily energy. So the internal way to bloom is through these mantras, meditations, the right consumption, the right usage of your emotions and not indulging in any gossip, not meeting people where your energy is just exhausted as a feminine. And the outer way is how you show up in the material world. You don't have to compete with men out there. You don't have to compete with anyone. When you're out there, you have to honor your feminine flow. You have to honor how others see you, how they want to control you, how they perceive you. And then you arrive at your own signature style. It's the combination of your actions out there and your meditations in here. If you continue to do it consistently, if you do the right work, it'll work out just perfectly well. Next question is from Kendra. She says, "My question is if she reaches the place where the goddess within awakens, does she get her itch scratched? She's now scratching her own itch, right? And can she still experience and receive love from outside forces? What does that look like?"

This is a deep question. When the goddess within awakens, the itch is already healed. You are starting to awaken the goddess because the itch is there and you're scratching it a little bit, it's making you uneasy and you finally realize, "I can escape it. I can't numb it down. I need to heal it. I need to fix it. I need a new skin on it." And that's when the goddess within will start to do the magic. And the next part of this question is so frequently received. "Can she still experience and receive love from outside forces?" Of course, absolutely. That divine feminine is all love. She's made of love. She's made to give love, receive love. Love is who she is. Love is the state of being of divine feminine. In every single tantra story, if there's one common element, that's love. And if you feel or believe the tantra work or the divine feminine work is going to take away the outside love, that's not going to happen.

You'll be so surrounded with love that not only it'll be easy to find and experience love, but I personally feel it's impossible to avoid love when you are in that space. And I can tell this question is so common and it also showcases how the people, the women have experienced trauma, pain, affair in matters of love that they continue to feel if they become more powerful, what if love is taken away from them? And of course, I've met women where they feel when they have awakened the goddess within, the men around them don't want them, or they become aggressive, they become controlling. But those are the men who need to go through their own work, who need to go through their inner work as well. And you two connected when both of you needed some support within. And if one of you has been working to get that support and other one has not, of course there is going to be friction. There's going to be a problem. But as you arrive at the goddess within, the right tribe will show up and they'll love you, honor you as you are.

And that's exactly where the feminine blooms, when she's simply being who she is, that's all. The becoming drops and the being really is all alive. Next one is from Mythica. "Do you know how we can honor the divine feminine more in this world where women are forced to lead and drive, which I believe are more masculine traits?" I love this question and I feel this is answered so deeply in the tantric text. The feminine energy has a certain role to play. There is a reason I call it the root chakra of the universe. So her role is so beautiful and powerful when it comes to art, the foundation where love energy is needed, where art is needed, where poetry is needed, where magic is needed, all the healing work, all the mantra work, all the tantric work, it's all connected to the feminine. But when the same feminine is forced to become masculine, she's not only losing the true essence within, but she's also becoming anxious, angry.

And we see that in the collective vibe out there. We see that in the collective consciousness out there. And I feel it's a call that the women have to take for themselves. It's an individual call. You have to take a pause and define your success, reimagine your ambition. I know your culture, your family background, the stories, the experiences you have had, they have brought you to a point and it's making you work the way you do. It could be extremely aggressive work in a masculine industry out there. And if that's exactly where your path is rooted, try to find a way how you can still bloom as a feminine there. Now, there's one interesting perspective here for those women who are exploring where to go, what to tap into in their career, in their ambition. I would recommend first invite that devi consciousness. Eliminate the barriers that are holding you back to meet that fierce, raw divine feminine within, and let it guide you to arrive at your career choice.

Let it guide you to arrive at whatever play and work you wish to do, whatever it is. You may call it career, you may call it creative play, hobby, doesn't matter. I genuinely feel abundance will come from where it has to, but you first have to clear the inner obstacles, the mindset, the belief systems, because even when you were in the womb of your mother, the conditioning started happening there. So if there's a fear of money in the family already, of course you're going to feel it very strong. If in your entire family everyone has always chosen to work in a predictable, safe environment, of course it's going to be extremely scary for you to step into a new power. So I feel instead of rushing and jumping on a career and year and choosing something that's wellness, healing randomly, take a pause, relax. You have plenty of time. And I'm speaking to women who are contemplating, thinking, reflecting on what to do. Take a pause, relax, reimagine your ambition, rewrite your intentions, rewrite the elements you wish to have in your career, in your work.

And then start to create energy pattern that this is where I think I can do this. This is how I can do this. When you make this commitment, when you plan the intention, things start to change. And those women who are already working for a long time in industries where the masculine energy is dominating, I believe if you're happy working there and the only problem there is just aggressive, masculine energy, there's a way for you to find your blooming because I assure you that aggressive masculine energy also needs that calmness, the playfulness, the stronger energy of the feminine in the place. I'm of the belief that if it's all operated by masculine, it may move in one direction. But when the feminine steps in, there will be a different color, a different flavor, a different flow to the entire energy. So if you are in an industry where it's all masculine, instead of running away and really jumping to a conclusion, slow down, relax and find out if I'm happy here, how can I build more respect, more flow for my feminine to bloom?

I work with my students where they have worked in factories, they have worked in an aggressive Hollywood environment where it's all masculine energy. I work with women from Wall Street, politics and there's all men around them. But I also feel your vibe attracts your tribe. So when you truly claim your self-esteem, self-worthiness and when you show up like a goddess, the right men will show up as well. Easier said than done and don't feel the pressure to accomplish this overnight. It won't happen overnight because you'll have to rewrite a lot of patterns. You'll have to learn a lot of patterns, understand the journey of your mother here. What were her belief systems in the working field? What were the belief systems of your father? What stories you heard from your friends when you were little and then find out a way of honoring, embracing your inner feminine in the chaotic environment out there. So when you slowly gently start to honor this work, it will happen.

The right men, the right energies will start to respect that this is how you wish to be treated. And I've always said this, please define and lead with example that this is how I wish to be treated. I'm going to share one example, it may or may not be relevant to your question, Mythica, but I hope it helps you and everyone who's listening. I know someone who's genuinely such a wonderful, talented, beautiful human. And one day, she reaches home and her boyfriend, he has packed her bag and he says, "You have to leave." They were living together and he says, "You have to leave." Why? He doesn't know, he just doesn't feel connected anymore. So she requests him and they go into back and forth conversation. He said, "No, I'm sorry. You have to leave." And there's no violence or anger happening yet, he's like just, "Leave, this is the end of it." She reaches out to me, I've known her for years.

And I said, "Maybe this path is concluded. He's a good human, you're a good human, but maybe the two good humans are no more designed to be together. Maybe the karmic contract is over." And most of the time, my advice is just received with a lot of guardedness because people feel I tell things that nobody wants to hear. But I repeat it again because I genuinely care for that person. And she said, "No, I really want to be with them." I said, "I know you do, but what I'm telling you here is maybe it's over." And this is the problem with spiritual advisory work. People reach out to me to hear things that they want to listen and when I say things that they don't want to hear, there is a problem. So I requested her, tried to convince her, but it didn't happen. And she ultimately stopped reaching out. She stopped responding to my message and I know what happened.

I was like I know she got back to him because whenever I reconnected to her in between those months, whenever I would say, "How are you doing?" Her response was, "I'm doing all right, still having this hope that he'll take me back." And this was the genuine response and these are two beautiful people in their twenties. The love you experience in your twenties or at any age, love doesn't have to last. Your mind says it has to last, but it evolves. It takes into new forms. But we all love plastic flowers, don't we? So anyway, my assumption was I think she got back to him because she had stopped responding to my messages. And usually what happens when things collapse again, then I hear from them again. Happy people don't reach out to me, unhappy people do. So I got a message from her just a few days ago. She said, "I was with him. I got back to him and things were amazing and now again, he said it's not working and he's packing my bag. What should I do?"

I said let me go back to my chat a few months ago, let me copy, paste that answer because my answer's still the same. "You are so beautiful, talented, amazing human. Why are you stuck on him? Why are you stuck in this pattern?" And that's when she broke down. That's when she realized all the patterns of love, intimacy, relationships in her life. And I feel this is where the feminine in you has to make a choice that empowers you, that brings you love, that brings you healing. If you are a woman, just know that when you stand up for your blooming, for your creativity, for your decisions, the men who will respect it are the right men for you. The men who respect your independence, the men who respect your playfulness, the men who respect you in your wild, they are the right men for you. And same goes for men. If you choose to be in a certain way and if it brings you love, honor, empowerment, and if a woman says, "No, you have to change," that just means there's something wrong.

So make this individual tough choice that nobody should be forcing me to lead and drive in a world where I don't want to be. And I'm going to quote one of my favorite teachers, J Krishnamurti. He says, "It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." So it simply means if everyone is forcing you to live a certain way of life, it doesn't make it normal. You still have a conscious choice, that's the law of karma. You still have a conscious choice to lead, live and love the way you want to. All right, next question is from Shoshrane, I hope I'm saying your name right. And just so you know, I also went to your Instagram profile to just make sure I read your name right and that's what was there, so forgive me if I'm not saying your name right. So question is, "Is it okay for a woman to express her sexual energy without shame?" It's okay for every human to express their energy without shame and it's energy. I'm going to take out the word sexual from there and just call it energy first.

What we have within is energy and tantra is very clear about it, that you've got to understand the flow of energy within and you've got to use it consciously. Tantra is transcendence, not suppression, transcendence, transmuting, indulging in it with awareness. So tantra will say understand your energy, understand the flow and express it, feel it, live it. There is no room for shame or guilt with your energy. It's your energy. And you mentioned this word, you phrased it, "Is it okay to express our sexual energy?" It's your sexual energy. So why should you be having shame around it? If you're having shame to express a part of your energy, that means there's a problem with other layers of energy too. If you can't express your tears, then there's a problem with the laughter as well. Everything is just so connected. Your anger, ego, greed, temptations, desires, attachments, they all are navigation points. Learning how to use them, channel them is what creates the awakening.

So when it comes to energy, just remember when this energy falls downward, it becomes sexual. And when you consciously move it upward, it becomes spiritual. But for those who have been suppressing it, who have been controlling it, your first step has to be indulging in it, express it and find more ways to express it. The energy will be expressed through only sexual ways when you don't know about the other ways, the other ways are meditating, gardening, writing, dancing, walking, breathing. And when the sexual energy goes down, make it conscious, do not make it impulsive. It cannot be a sexual sneeze that whenever you have tension, you sneeze it out and then you go back to it. There has to be a conscious play of things. So whatever you do, do it without shame and do it with awareness, do it with indulgence and bring the awareness with indulgence. I have episodes specifically about this so I would recommend you to listen to those, okay? Okay, next one is from Stephanie.

"Is it always necessary to claim our truth in any circumstances?" It depends how you define claiming your truth. For some people, claiming the truth means having an argument, proving your point, making sure you win that battle. And that's exhausting in my opinion. Wherever you have to win a battle because it makes you feel good, it's not worth it because it's all a battle of ego. But if it's about claiming the truth within, I think it's important because the reason you are feeling the urge to claim the truth is because maybe you missed this opportunity many other times in this lifetime or in the previous lifetimes. So when it's showing up again, just remember your mind, body, soul, it's, again, pushing you. It's reminding you that please claim this truth. It's going to be messy, dark, dirty. But if you don't claim it, it's going to be painful and you'll be coming back again. So yes, claiming your truth is important.

And make sure you define what does this claiming of the truth mean for me? Is it ego based or is it really healing me, empowering me, liberating me spiritually? That's what I would recommend. Next one is from Sadhana. "Can someone in mid of family and mothering practice tantra?" And Sadhana has mentioned this word Grihasth-ashram which means the one who's married with kids living in family. Is it okay for those women to practice tantra? Tantra is for everyone. It's an inclusive space, everyone is welcome to play there. And it's because of this freedom in tantra that plenty of problems started because there is so much freedom that people didn't know how to handle it. They didn't know what to do with it. The short answer is yes and the longer answer is you have to create boundaries. You have to honor the feminine you are because I know you already know that as you become mother, the narrative of the family society, the cultural conditioning almost forces this idea that there's nothing beyond the role of mother.

It's the highest role and I respect that role so much, but I also want you to know all these are roles. Play the roles, but also don't forget the role of this conscious being you are because if as a mother you bloom, you will lead with example and you are gifting your children such a powerful gift of awakening. And one day, they'll thank you. The reason I do so much work in the feminine zone because I have witnessed woman who did that work who raised me. And I noticed that's what a powerful woman can do. And I've also seen women who were abused, physically abused, emotionally, verbally abused. And I noticed how their lives ended. So when you see this interesting polarity in life, it hits you deep and this is why I remind all the women who have just become mothers do not lose yourself in this identity. My friends who have become mothers, I know they have completely changed. Sometimes they try to come back after five years or 10 years, but you can come back suddenly after 10 years, it will take another 10 years to come back.

But if you are doing the work gently, consistently, you won't need to come back because you never went anywhere. So you can raise the family, take care of them, but also take care of yourself. What I would recommend is create some non-negotiables, that could be your daily meditation. That could be a reading about the tantra divine feminine every day even for 20 minutes. And trust me, you don't need to read more than 10, 20 minutes. That's more than enough to rewire your mindset. And have a time for yourself where no one can disturb you. You're showing up for the divine mother. You're showing up for the goddesses. Your children should know it. Your partner should know it. Your family should know it. This is where you honor yourself, you come back to yourself. Once you start to rise up to these promises and commitment to yourself, others will respect it. If they don't respect it, there's a deep problem. And that needs to be handled in a very different way. But even if they're uncomfortable, surprised, shocked, but if they want to cooperate, that's a gift. That's a blessing, make the use for it.

And if they don't do it, still show up for it. It's going to take some consistency, some discipline and a lot of love for your blooming. So go for it, Sadhana. And next question is from Mansi. She says, "Why the divine feminine makes herself small?" To adjust others. She makes herself small because that's the conditioning, that's the narrative of the culture. It's the same with men. If a man has seen a certain role model in his life, he'll constantly try to be that man. It could be violent, could be caring, could be spiritual, could be lost, but there are stories in the cultures that push men and women to hold space for others the way they do. This question is also about redefining your relationship with the inner feminine, redefining the relationship with your creativity, the time, the energy you give to yourself. And this is connected to all the things I've discussed. You will adjust yourself for others as long as you don't have any deeper relationship with yourself.

Once you start to have it with yourself, you won't need to constantly adjust yourself for others because you're so busy in planting the seeds for your playground. And the next and the final question is from Sonia. I hope this is how I say your name. She says, "I've been single since a long time, but I would like a partner to grow. How to find one if there's no need for it?" The need here is a very interesting word, Sonia. You don't need one, but you will have one once you don't need it. I'll try to explain, I believe you're from Europe, I think so. But anyway, I think you'll still find this example relevant. So what happens here in U.S., and I know this happens in India also and in other countries, when you don't have money, you don't have credit build up, you go to a bank, you tell them, "I need to buy a house. I don't have money, I need to build business. Don't have capital and I need support, financial support." They look at your financial data, your financial worksheets.

And they're like, "You don't have money, so we can't give you any." So you don't get any money. And when you're loaded with money, they keep sending you mails. They keep calling you that, "We want to give you more money. Please take money from us." And you're like, "I needed money when I didn't have. Now I have money, why do you want to give me more money? I don't need it." I've seen this with my friends, my students who needed the support from family when they were exploring their career, their path, they were going through rough times. And the family said, "We can't support your silly ideas so don't expect any support from us." But when the same people have become very successful financially, the family is all willing to support them. And now these people, these students and friends are like, "I don't need your support. Why do you give me support now?" This is an interesting way of just how the universe has designed our system.

When you need love, when you give out this energy that, "I need love, I need someone to fulfill a vacuum within, I need someone to fulfill this," you will attract a partner who'll also believe the same. It's like two homeless people sitting next to each other and they both are promising that I have food for you. And they both enjoy entire day because they both secretly are hoping that this other one has food, because he promised me that I have food for you. But when the nighttime arrives, they both are hungry and they both realize, oh, there's no food here. Guess what happens? They're angry. They're unhappy with each other. And they sometimes also punch each other, right? It ends up violently. This is how the modern love and relationships are. You're seeking someone with a certain hope, they're also doing the same so when the honeymoon period is over, you feel disappointed. You feel betrayed actually. So tantra says first, cultivate love as a state of being, cultivate love as a state of this beautiful healing love for yourself.

And when this container of love is so full, then you would want to share it. The love becomes sharing, love becomes simply showing up in that energy. And guess what happens? Then you attract people who are also meeting you with their container full. So two people who have their container full are just kind of having fun every day. No one is trying to snatch things from each other. This is what happens when two people are in love. When they start to feel, "Oh, this person loves me, I love them. So let me try to find a legal system where I can log them in a label in certain legal papers so they can never leave. So they own you then, right? That's called marriage. In tantra, you have to look at this entire flow of love where you're not trying to squeeze happiness from someone and label it as love. Marriage can happen, love can happen, a relationship can happen but it's not with intention to squeeze some happiness, to extract some joy from the other person.

So if you have been single for a long time, use this time to deepen your awareness, to deepen your creativity, fulfill this love for yourself and start to just share it, express it. And when you're least expecting it, suddenly your tribe will show and they will have love for you, you'll have love for them, but it cannot be a contract bounded. Do not let the mind create any calculation around it. Do not let the mind create any competition, comparison, or analysis around it. I hope this answer helps you, Sonia. I'm going to end this episode here. These were wonderful questions. I hope you felt inspired, supported by my insights. And I'll see you in the next episode. Be well, be sick and to support the Leela Gurukul podcast, please do write the reviews on Apple Podcast, share it on your Instagram and subscribe to the emails on leelagurukul.com. That's where we'll be sharing all the exciting updates with the divine feminine work, Tantra program and all the delicious stuff that you expect from Leela universe. Thank you for listening. Take care.

May the teachings of tantra continue to guide you and heal you. And I hope Leela Gurukul helps you to unlearn the old and embrace the unknown mystical possibility unfolding for you. To support this podcast, share it among the seekers who are ready for the next step in their spiritual path.

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Chandresh Bhardwaj

Chandresh Bhardwaj is a seventh-generation tantra teacher, spiritual advisor, and speaker. Based in Los Angeles and New York, Chandresh is the author of the book Break the Norms written with the intention to awaken human awareness from its conditioned self. His mission is to demystify tantra and make it an accessible and easy-to-understand and practically applicable spiritual practice.


Conversation with Seekers: Divine Feminine and Financial Independence w/ Barjdeep


Unleashing the Divine Feminine Part 1