The Leela Show
Chandresh B. presents the Leela Show: a podcast for writers, artists, and seekers of life. Formerly known as the Break the Norms and the Leela Gurukul podcast. For curious seekers who are ready to take the essential steps in their spiritual journey.
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Sexual Healing: Exploring Intimacy Through Tantra
This episode explores the tantric ways of deepening intimacy and cultivating sexual healing with oneself and your partner.

Decoding Dharma: A Tantra Perspective
In this episode, Chandresh shares the tantra and eastern wisdom traditional perspective of what dharma is and the various questions around it.

The Rooted Feminine: A Tantra Meditation
In this meditation, Chandresh guides the students to tap into the rooted feminine that lives within all of us. The rooted feminine represents the one who is willing to understand the roots, heal the roots, and go beyond the trauma, anger, and resentments that are all holding back the nurturing of the roots.

Let’s Talk Pleasure: A Tantra Perspective
We are living in times where seeking pleasure is not complicated. It’s at your fingertips. Wherever you look, you will be able to feed that impulsive pleasure.

Unleashing the Divine Feminine Part 2
In this episode, Chandresh covers questions sent to him from part one of the divine feminine conversation.

Unleashing the Divine Feminine Part 1
In this episode, Chandresh shares some specific insights on the divine feminine. What are the tantra principles to heal and nurture the divine feminine within?

The Divine Feminine Mystery - A Tantra Perspective
This episode is directly derived from the teachings of Vigyan Bhairava Tantra, a tantra scripture that means the science of going beyond consciousness. This scripture shares a lot about honoring and nurturing the divine feminine.

The Roles We Play In Life
In this episode, Chandresh shares how you can understand that you are playing the roles and get unstuck in the ones you are stuck in. He also shares what solutions you can implement mindfully so that you do not become the roles you play.

Transcend Lust - A Tantra Perspective
In this episode, Chandresh shares how the complexity between love and lust ruins the energy of love. The falling in itself is a negative word in love.

Analyzing Cultural Appropriation of Eastern Spirituality
In this episode, Chandresh discusses the heated debate that is going on about the cultural appropriation of tantra, yoga, and eastern spirituality. Chandresh shares his perspective and experience on how we can arrive at a solution.

Tantra vs. Yoga Explained
This episode is all about understanding how yoga and tantra are similar and how they are also separate.

29. Divine Feminine and Masculine in Tantra
Do you feel that your feminine energy is out of balance? Do you feel there's an excess of masculinity within you? Do you struggle with feminine masculine within and around?

20. Tantra Sex - The abuse and healing
In this episode, Chandresh shares how the term 'tantra sex' actually destroys the essence of tantra teachings.

09. Demystifying Tantra
This is an inspiring podcast on tantra wherein Chandresh clears a lot of misconceptions about tantra in the west.
You can find all previous Break the Norms podcast episodes on Chandresh’s website.