Shree Yantra

Authentic & Traditional Tantra

All You Need to Know About Tantra, Its Tradition, Its Method, and Tantra Meditation’s Transformational Effects

 “When you’re a poem, your intensity burns the pages. When you’re a wildflower, you bloom ever after the forest fire. When you’re a muse, you inspire the Gods.”

Chandresh Bhardwaj

What is Tantra?

What do you think of when you think of Tantra?

  • Tantric Sex

  • Tantra Meditation

  • Tantric Massage

  • Tantric Yoga

Like many eastern practices adopted by western cultures, much of your perception may be influenced by the cherry-picking from the whole of this ancient spiritual practice. 

Tantra on social media is full of aerobic sexuality, fear-based selling, and selective spirituality — it has zero practicality and is disconnected from its authentic roots. 

Tantra, at its core, is about transcending the old self and unlearning how you were taught to suffer. It is about connecting with high consciousness and playing on the playground of infinite possibilities. 

Tantra and Tantra Meditation is a truly powerful spiritual practice. It creates a balance between the divine feminine and divine masculine energy within you. It helps deepen your spiritual bond with your partner and allows you to discover your most authentic and highest self.

 Misunderstanding and westernization often remove the deep spirituality of Tantra and make it more about sexual liberation. 

While this is an aspect of the overall spiritual practice, it is not the sole focus. It is a byproduct of the awakening to your authenticity and spiritual alignment with the Devi Consciousness. 

By Tapping into traditional elements of Tantra, you open up to a powerful spiritual practice that can help you cultivate a deeper connection with yourself, your relationships, and the world around you.


Westernized Tantra

  • Uses external forces such as certain foods, alcohol, and sex to create a spiritual transformation

  • Most often, practice with a partner

  • Meditations and rituals are highly sexual to awaken sensual energy

  • Most common Tantra practice in western cultures

Traditional Tantra

  • Uses your personal energy to create a spiritual alchemy — transformation within mind + soul.

  • Deeply spiritual and relies heavily on meditation, mantra, and honoring your inner goddess.

  • Recognizes the importance of the body and its energies despite the negative connotations from eastern philosophies. This includes five elements of the human experience — Kaam [sexual energy], Krodh [anger], Lobh [Greed], Moh [attachment], and Ahankaar [ego].

  • Independent practice with guidance from a teacher

Modernized Tantra within a Western context is attractive to western cultures, possibly because of the sexual suppression experienced for generations. Tantric sex can create a deep bond with your partner and exceed your standard sexual experience.

As with many eastern philosophies, western cultures have whitewashed much of it and removed many spiritual elements from the practice.

Traditional Tantra transmutes different energies to help you heal, balance your masculine and feminine energies, and transform you into your highest self. It is also the most accessible practice because any human can practice it at any time. Tantra meditation encompasses all of the parts of you, not just sexual, but all parts of your being.

You can discover a you that is full of playfulness — a rare form of freedom untapped by many. A you that is calm in the face of adversity and has the courage and clarity to transform your life.

Instead of viewing Tantra through a western or traditional lens, there are elements of both that encompass elements to strengthen spirituality.

At Leela, we cut through the noise and help you focus on a meditation practice that embodies traditional practice balanced with a modern lifestyle.

Who is Tantra For?

Any and all genders can benefit from Tantra because it opens all spiritual pathways to your highest and most authentic self. 

Tantra meditation is for people who:

  • Already have an existing meditation practice that can be deepened

  • Are curious about meditation and seek to learn from it

  • Are willing and ready for a balance of spiritual awakening and material abundance

  • Want to transcend the world of control and chaos toward a place of calmness and clarity

  • Aim to balance the divine masculine and feminine energy within

  • Are ready to activate their inner goddess 

 If you’re ready to

  • Transform your life spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and professionally

  • Gain clarity and discover your highest self

  • Find your divine power, courage, and strength

  • Be able to navigate life's chaos with calmness and clarity

  • Have the ability to overcome obstacles

  • Connect with a community of spiritual warriors

  • Discover your authentic self and have the courage to speak your truth confidently

  • Have a spiritual teacher that can guide you every step of your spiritual journey

You’ve come to the right place. 

Much of the work we do here at Leela Gurukul is focused on strengthening your divine feminine energy and helping you connect with goddess energy. Masculine energy is so prominent for most people due to living in a society that frowns on many traits of feminine energy. 

A society that normalizes the rejection of divine femininity creates an overindulgence of masculine energy. 

Tantra helps you know more about divine feminine energy than you could learn from social media influencers.

Although our focus is so profoundly on the divine feminine, that does not mean we only work with spiritual warriors who identify as female. 

Our mission is to help students reach their full potential through energetic balance and spiritual awakening.

 The Leela Gurukul Difference 

At Leela Gurukul, we prefer to teach Traditional modalities of Tantra, which leads you to access your divine energy through mantra, meditation, and opening your chakras — creating a spiritual transformation that frees you of limiting beliefs, strengthens courage, and channels and abundance mindset.

Our founder, Chandresh Bhardwaj, created our authentic programs to introduce the transformative power of traditional Tantra and bring it into the modern world through a fully online platform.

We have created a powerful, one-of-a-kind community that strives to ask the big questions.Are you ready to…


Discover Deep Calmness

Whether internally or externally, the chaos of life is prevalent in modern society. This chaos prevents you from finding your highest self. You can heal and finally reach your full potential with deep calmness.

See Your Path With Clarity

Open your mind to the fullest awareness. You’ll learn how to tap into your intuition and knowingness. You’ll free yourself from the judgment and expectations of others and with profound clarity, you will know the right path to take.

Have the Courage to Take Action

Change can be the most challenging obstacle on your path. To leave the life you know behind and start moving in a new direction. With courage and confidence, you will take each step without faltering. You will be a spiritual warrior.

Free Tools


The Leela Gurukul podcast is a commercial-free podcast facilitated by seventh-generation spiritual teacher Chandresh Bhardwaj. 

Listen to Chandresh’s chats in “Conversations with Seekers” and discover like-minded seekers or his deep dive into the topics asked by the Leela community — offering his Tantric wisdom about topics ranging from social media trends to pop culture events to sexual energy and self-healing. 

Here are a few specific episodes to learn more about Tantra Meditation:

Listen to his many lessons on our podcast page.


Education begins with awareness! Our blog covers all your burning questions and is full of resources to help you walk along your spiritual path.

Not sure if Tantra is for you? Read some of our many carefully crafted blog posts—everything from setting up your altar to a deep dive into goddess energy.

Check out our blog page.

Social Media

You can also follow us on social media. We demystify Tantra to help ambitious professionals create inner calmness and clarity so they can live and lead confidently. We share our wisdom regularly and produce the best Tantra content on Instagram! 

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